What does caregiving cost businesses?

4 years ago

What does caregiving cost businesses? In answering this question, it’s important to begin with an understanding of what caregiving is,…

Written Statements or Lists Disposing of Personal Property

4 years ago

Effective January 1, 2021, Georgia HB 865 (Act 508), amended the Georgia Probate code. Now, if you prepare a written…

Guidance for Trustees of Special Needs Trusts

4 years ago

The Special Needs Alliance (SNA) is a national organization comprised of attorneys committed to the practice of disability and public…

Patient’s Right to Direct Health Decisions Affirmed

4 years ago

On July 5, 2016, in Doctors Hospital of Augusta v. Alicea, 299 Ga. 315 (2016), the Georgia Supreme Court affirmed…

Medication Errors

4 years ago

A medication error is defined as "any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient…

Dalton, Georgia: Nursing Homes

4 years ago

Presently, there are four nursing homes in Dalton, Georgia. They are Quinton Memoria, Regency Park, Ridgewood Manor, and Wood Dale.…

U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging: Hearings

4 years ago

https://www.aging.senate.gov/hearings The Senate Special Committee on Aging was first established in 1961 as a temporary committee. It was granted permanent…

Combating Social Isolation and Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

4 years ago

This content requires Flash Player version 9 (installed version: No Flash Flayer installed, or version is pre 6.0.0 https://www.aging.senate.gov/hearings/combating-social-isolation-and-loneliness-during-the-covid-19-pandemic Carla…

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Seniors: A Look at Racial Health Disparities

4 years ago

https://www.aging.senate.gov/hearings/the-covid-19-pandemic-and-seniors-a-look-at-racial-health-disparities Testimony of Dominc Mack: https://www.aging.senate.gov/download/dr-dominic-h-mack Mercedes Carnethon, PhD: https://www.aging.senate.gov/download/mercedes-carnethon Eugene Woods: https://www.aging.senate.gov/download/eugene-a-woods Rodney Jones, Sr.: https://www.aging.senate.gov/download/rodney-b-jones-sr

Women and Retirement: Unique Challenges and Opportunities to Pave a Brighter Future

4 years ago

https://www.aging.senate.gov/hearings/women-and-retirement-unique-challenges-and-opportunities-to-pave-a-brighter-future GAO Report: https://www.aging.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/SCA_GAO_Dodaro_9_24_2020.pdf