Verification for Medicaid Applications

2 years ago

All applications for ABD Medicaid require that the applicant's basic eligibility be verified. See ABD Manual Section 2201-4. Applications for…

Continuing Benefits While Appeal is Pending

2 years ago

If benefits are being terminated or reduced, the applicant/recipient may request that benefits continue while the appeal is pending. A…

Requesting a Medicaid Fair Hearing

2 years ago

Right to a Hearing The right to a hearing is a property right and belongs to the applicant. See Bd.…

Medicaid is required to be simple, but you have no right to enforce its simplicity

2 years ago

Theoretically, Medicaid should be simple. It’s anything but simple. Also, theoretically, the Medicaid program should be administered in the best…

Correcting the Damage Done Before You Got the Medicaid File

2 years ago

Taking over a case started by someone else is never my preference. It's far easier to do something correctly the…

Conservator has exclusive power to bring, defend or participate in lawsuits for a ward

3 years ago

in Hall v. Davis Lawn Care Service, Inc., 314 Ga. 488 (S22G0019 8/23/2022), the Supreme Court unravelled some messy litigation…

Can I get paid to be a caregiver for a family member?

3 years ago

The answer is, yes, maybe. At, there are tips for caregiver support including links to programs that could pay…

Form: Consent to Criminal Background Check

3 years ago

Below is an exemplar consent to a criminal background check. These are required in most guardianship cases and some probate…

Georgia Probate Courts have Exclusive Jurisdiction Over The Probate of Wills

3 years ago

In Carpenter v. Carpenter, 276 Ga. 746 (2003), Gloria and Steven Carpenter appealed an order dismissing their Caveat to the…