Don’t pledge your IRA as collateral or you might lose creditor protection

3 years ago

Retirement accounts that qualify under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) are generally protected from creditors, bankruptcy proceedings and…

Can a nursing home resident leave for a family meal while covered under Medicare days?

3 years ago

Sometimes nursing home residents want to leave the nursing home to visit family or just get some fresh are. So…

Living in your head (aka social media) instead of the real world can be dangerous

3 years ago

In this day and age, people are glued to their smart phones and other electronic devices. They hardly look up…

Articles – Week of August 12, 2022, Part 2

3 years ago

We regularly scour the internet looking for information relating to elder care, special needs and elder law. Although we review…

Resources for Older Veterans

3 years ago

In an August 2022 blog post, the VA urged Veterans to check out resources for Older Veterans. The post states,…