News Roundup – December 8, 2021

3 years ago

General News Sources: NAELA member Janet Colliton, CELA, wrote Eligible Charity Distribution can reduce taxes Lack of special ed teachers…

HIPAA Permitted Disclosures

3 years ago

The HIPAA privacy rule is not absolute. It recognizes that certain disclosures are beneficial, such as those where information must…

Olmstead Decision

3 years ago

The Olmstead case was brought by two Georgia women whose disabilities include mental retardation and mental illness. At the time…

Standby Guardians

3 years ago

A parent or a guardian (each a “designated individual”) may appoint a standby guardian of a minor. O.C.G.A. § 29-2-10.…

Medicaid Liens Revisited: Gallardo v. Marstiller

3 years ago

A new Medicaid lien case is pending in the U.S. Supreme Court. The question presented is "[w]hether the federal Medicaid…

End-of-Life and the Right to Refuse Treatment: Quinlan through Schiavo

3 years ago

The cases discussed here make clear the importance of making health decisions in advance and communicating them. Too often, decisions…

Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST)

3 years ago

A POLST form is a legally sufficient medical order that health care providers and health care facilities may use in…

Do Not Resuscitate Orders (DNRs)

3 years ago

Georgia law (O.C.G.A. § 31-39-1 et seq.) defines a candidate for non-resuscitation as a patient who, based on a determination…

Right to Nursing Home Records and Medical Information

3 years ago

Nursing home residents and their personal representatives have a right to stay informed regarding their condition and their care. 42…

Form: Patient Liability Worksheet

3 years ago

The worksheet below is not intended as a substitute for legal advice. It requires an understanding of the Medicaid budgeting…