Medicaid: Transfer Penalty Reversed Where Cured

3 years ago

Transfer Penalty Reversed Where Home Was Returned. Three months prior to a nursing home admission, a 98 year old Petitioner…

Medicaid: Court Reaches Wrong Conclusion Regarding Community Spouse

3 years ago

Incorrect Decision Reached Regarding Status of Community Spouse. A nursing home resident’s spouse was denied a Community Spouse Monthly Income…

Medicaid: Federal Law Trumps State Law When They Conflict

3 years ago

Georgia’s Medicaid Manual cannot be enforced when it conflicts with federal law. Applicant resided in an assisted living facility until…

Medicaid: Ignorance of QIT Requirement No Excuse

3 years ago

Ignorance of QIT Requirement Does Not Excuse Failure to Comply. Nursing home resident’s son assisted with her October 25, 2007…

Assessment of transfer penalty on sale of life estate affirmed

3 years ago

Assessment of transfer penalty on sale of life estate affirmed. Conservators sold life estate for $1,500, then sold the applicant’s…

No Penalty Where Resources were Transferred to Disabled Child

3 years ago

No penalty may be assessed where resources are transferred directly to a disabled child. A nursing home resident transferred approximately…

Medicaid: Hire a Lawyer

3 years ago

Hire a Lawyer. An unrepresented nursing home resident applied for Medicaid on December 21, 2007. A 981 was issued after…

Medicaid: Community Spouse Resource Allowance administratively raised

3 years ago

Community Spouse Resource Allowance administratively raised. Evidence was stipulated that the combined marital income of the couple did not result…

Medicaid: Valuation; value of transferable promissory note

3 years ago

Valuation; value of transferable promissory note. Petitioner filed a motion for summary determination and respondent failed to answer. The issue…

Medicaid Transfer of Resources Penalty Affirmed (2008)

3 years ago

Transfer of resources penalty affirmed. Nursing home resident applied for Medicaid in January 2008. During review, caseworkers discovered a home…