
In M.K. v. Division of Medical Assistance, Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division (2016), the Division imposed a period of ineligibility for benefits because she transferred ownership of her home to her daughter, J.K., for less than fair-market value within sixty months of entering a nursing home facility (the look-back period). The applicant argued […]

estate planning

An applicant filed three Medicaid applications from February 7 through November 26, and all of them were denied for failure to submit necessary financial verification. A fair hearing was conducted on November 26, 2018 where the ALJ gave the applicant additional time to supply verification. Once that verification was supplied, on May 14, 2019, the […]

In a Memorandum decision, the Supreme Court of New York, Appellate Division, Fourth Department, held that a nursing home may bring a plenary action in its own right against the agency designated to declare Medicaid eligibility. A transfer of resources penalty of 11.74 months had been imposed and the nursing home sought a declaratory judgment […]

The Arc of the United States recently posted new videos providing an Overview of Special Needs Trusts and ABLE accounts. English versions of these videos are available on YouTube and are linked below for your convenience. Spanish versions are available at the YouTube link below. Find other Arc Videos here

Next week GPB will examine the life of a titan with a two-part American Experience, learn what made Jimmy Carter the man he became and much more. GPB lineup for next week

Registration is open for the 2021 National Conference on Special Needs Planning and Special Needs Trusts, October 13-15, 2021. It will be held at Vinoy Renaissance Resort & Golf Club in St. Petersburg, Florida and virtually online. Always popular, a representative from CMS will join to discuss recent events. This year, Gene Coffey will describe […]

2022 Special Needs Planning Symposium We don’t always give a shout out for symposiums sponsored by others, but we’ll make an exception here. The 2022 Special Needs Planning Symposium looks like an all-star cast for anyone on the West Coast who works with special needs individuals (especially if you can’t make it to Stetson). Two […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

In Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene v. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 542 F.3d 424 (2008), the State of Maryland petitioned for review of a final decision of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) disapproving an amendment to the Maryland State Medicaid Plan (SMP). Maryland’s SMP would have eliminated deductions […]

In Timm v. Mont. Dep’t of Pub. HHS, 2008 MT 126 (2008), Linda Timm entered the nursing home in July 2002. The Timm family applied for Medicaid on November 1, 2002 reporting, among other resources, the Community Spouse’s one-third interest in J & R Transportation, Inc., worth roughly $20,150. The Department completed its first resource […]

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