Estate Planning and Estate Tax News: The simple four step guide for estate planning How to get your affairs in…
Attorney David McGuffey and the Elder Law Practice of David L. McGuffey, LLC recently announced the launch of DALTON,…
In 2021 we said goodbye to many well-known celebrities - some famous and some infamous. This list includes many of…
In addition to a health care advance directive, one way to create evidence regarding your health treatment wishes and end-of0life…
What you know about paying for long-term care?
The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection issued a new debt collection rule effective November 30, 2021. The final rule revises…
In Georgia and 26 other states, insurers that sell Medicare supplement insurance must also sell those policies to individuals under…
General Sources: Autism Society's Capital Connection 12-16-2021 (reviewing Build Back Better Act) National Health Care Spending in 2020: Growth Driven…
The Arc of the United States has posted more than 40 video programs designed to provide online activities for individuals…