
During Covid-19, nursing facilities were allowed to restrict visitation to prevent Covid’s spread. A recent CMS letter to State Survey Directors says “[f]acilities must allow indoor visitation at all times and for all residents as permitted under the regulations” In other words, visitation is now allowed for all residents at all times. Failure to permit […]

Many people have questions about guns and gun rights, especially as they relate to the elderly. The general answer is that in the United States, guns are poorly regulated. EZ Elder Law has no opinion regarding gun ownership generally, but guns and dementia are a poor mix. It is estimated that 9% of older Americans […]

November 14 through November 20, 2021, is International Fraud Awareness Week. Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr says: Scammers are constantly adapting their fraudulent schemes to new technologies, seasonal happenings, the latest trends and current events,” said Carr. “To stay ahead of these deceptive tactics, we urge all Georgians to familiarize themselves with the common signs of a scam and to take precautions to […]

If you’ve ever wondered how to celebrate your loved one’s birthday or other special occasion, here’s an idea – TELL THE WORLD!. Melinda actually found this service and we’ve used it several times for different occasions. They are great and super inexpensive. The business name is Sassy Celebrations of Dalton, but we know there are […]

Parents who are looking to protect their special needs children often begin by considering how decisions will be made. Capacity is a continuum, so every special needs child and every family is unique. Essentially there are three models where the individual needs decision-making support. Substitute decision-making, supported decision-making, and court supervised decision-making (guardianships and/or conservatorship). […]

News Sources Year-end charitable tax planning tips When Seniors are Targeted in Schemes 14 Rollover Tax Facts to Know Rosetta Stone Offers Lifetime Deal to Learn Unlimited Languages (?Limited time?) November is National Family Caregivers Month (Autism Society) National Family Caregiver Month (VA) EZ Elder Law Trademark Application to be published in Official Gazette November […]

On Friday, November 12, 2021, at 1pm eastern, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America will host a webinar titled “New Rules for End of Life Care.” It features guest speaker Barbara Karnes, RN, author of Gone from My Sight: The Dying Experience, and creator of New Rules for End of Life Care: A Guide on the […]

estate planning

When someone visits an elder law attorney, he or she is often in the middle of a crisis. Sometimes the crisis is real. Other times it is perceived due to insufficient information (or information overload). Yes, elder law attorneys do mundane, run of the mill work, but more often than not it’s a crisis that […]

A new video series by the Public Broadcasting System entitled “Future of Work,” explores how increased longevity and technological innovation are transforming the workforce. The three-part broadcast series premiered on September 1, 2021. A six-part digital series is also available exploring the lives of six Americans. View the series here: Future of Work

A nursing home resident’s room is considered the resident’s home. That’s why people in nursing home are called “residents” instead of patients. In a nursing home, the resident controls, among other things,  when visitors can come and who can visit. Generally, it’s legal to film or record in your own home without the consent of […]

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