
estate planning

General Sources: Autism Society’s Capital Connection 12-16-2021 (reviewing Build Back Better Act) National Health Care Spending in 2020: Growth Driven by Federal Spending in Response to Covid-19 (Health Affairs) House Advances Build Back Better Act (Health Affairs) Indirect Gift Tax Considerations for 2021 (The Tax Advisor) Smart moves to make with your retirement portfolio before […]

The Arc of the United States has posted more than 40 video programs designed to provide online activities for individuals with disabilities, their families and service providers. Topics include arts, community and life skills, health and wellness, virtual clubs and more. Click here for more information.

The HIPAA privacy rule is not absolute. It recognizes that certain disclosures are beneficial, such as those where information must be shared to ensure that a patient receives the best treatment. Section 164.510 provides that a covered entity may use or disclose protected health information, provided that the individual is informed in advance of the […]

Georgia State Medicaid Plan - Rules of Evidence - Scholarly Articles

The cases discussed here make clear the importance of making health decisions in advance and communicating them. Too often, decisions are put off, sometimes because people fear an advance directive is a license to kill; if individuals took time to examine the document, they would find that its simply an expression of individual values, whether […]

Georgia law (O.C.G.A. § 31-39-1 et seq.) defines a candidate for non-resuscitation as a patient who, based on a determination to a reasonable degree of medical certainty by an attending physician with the concurrence of another physician: (A) Has a medical condition which can reasonably be expected to result in the imminent death of the […]

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers a number of programs to assist low-income families, older adults and individuals with special needs to secure safe and affordable housing. One of those programs is the Section 8 Rental Certificate Program. The Section 8 Rental Certificate program increases affordable housing choices for very low-income […]

Georgia State Medicaid Plan - Rules of Evidence - Scholarly Articles

The procedure commonly referred to as a “1013” is governed by O.C.G.A. Title 37, Chapter 3 (§ 37-3-41 et seq).* The procedure applies to individuals who present a substantial risk of imminent harm to himself, herself or others, as manifested by either recent overt acts or recent expressed threats of violence which present a probability […]

An attending physician, treating physician, or other physician licensed according to the laws of the State of Georgia, after having personally examined an adult, may certify in the adult’s medical records the following: (1) The adult is unable to consent for himself or herself; and (2) It is the physician’s belief that it is in […]

Georgia State Medicaid Plan - Rules of Evidence - Scholarly Articles

News Sources: Elder Law Attorney Daniel Tully has 9 questions you should ask before you or a loved one goes into a nursing home Elder Law Attorney Janet Colliton answers “Where is home when you have more than one?” Social Security proposal would raise revenue and temporarily enhance benefits Nursing homes can now lift most […]

Many people have questions about guns and gun rights, especially as they relate to the elderly. The general answer is that in the United States, guns are poorly regulated. EZ Elder Law has no opinion regarding gun ownership generally, but guns and dementia are a poor mix. It is estimated that 9% of older Americans […]

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