
My Social Security is a secure online account that puts you in control with access to your information anytime, anywhere. Verify your earnings, view your Social Security Statement, manage your benefits, get a replacement Social Security card, and much more – with your free, personal account.

Among other headlines, today’s updated from AHRQ included a link to a report on Costs of Emergency Department Visits in the United States, 2017. Highlights from the report included the following conclusion: “Average cost per ED visit increased with age, from $290 for patients aged 17 years and younger to $690 for patients aged 65 […]

In Georgia,  O.C.G.A. § 29-5-60(a) requires that Conservators, “[e]ach year, within 60 days of the anniversary date of qualification, … file with the court a verified return consisting of a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the conservatorship during the year preceding the anniversary date of qualification, an updated inventory consisting of a statement […]

On April 26, 2021, in a letter to Senators Brown, Casey, Hassan, and Representative Dingell, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) commented on the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Access Act. Among other comments, NAELA supported the proposal’s expansion of the criteria for being medically eligible for Medicaid HCBS. One suggestion was including […]

On April 30, 2021, Michelle Diament, writing for for Disability Scoop, reported that Biden’s plan, although not changing SSI, does: provide for up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave to workers seeks to provide two years of preschool to all children; and dramatically expands access to child care by making it affordable […]

The following is reposted from Hamilton Medical Center’s podcast site. Dr. Aubrey Cawthon is a board-certified hospitalist at Hamilton Medical Center in Dalton, Georgia. Listen here. For more information about Hamilton Medical Center, call 706-272-6000 or visit This program in no way seeks to diagnose or treat illness or to replace professional medical care. […]

The following is reposted from Hamilton Medical Center’s podcast site. Dr. Emily Brandt is a board-certified child development pediatrician at Anna Shaw Children’s Institute located in Dalton, Georgia. She specializes in attention disorders, autism spectrum disorders, behavioral and developmental challenges, and more. Listen here. To learn more about Anna Shaw Children’s Institute, call 706-226-8900 or […]

Why economists use models and their limitations.

Rich dad, Poor dad explains why you should not be a slave to money. Also see, the Psychology of Money, stating that how you behave with money is more important than what you know

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