
On June 11, 2024, the Gerontologist published an article on Medicaid enrollment and Intergenerational transfers of wealth among older adults. The article was based on a review of data from 2008 through 2018 analyzing estate planning and family wealth transfers of older adults aged 65 and older who became Medicaid recipients. There were 8,347 respondents […]

Dementia affects more than 50 million people worldwide. The Virtual Dementia Tour is designed to allow participants to experience what dementia patients see, hear and feel so they better understand and empathize with individuals who have dementia. One website with the UNC Greensboro reports: “The simulation temporarily alters your physical and sensory abilities to replicate […]

The Georgia Court of Appeals decided the case of In re Bessie Mae Blake on February 20, 2024. Willis Blake was appointed as his mother’s conservator in 2000, but he was a poor record keeper. Although he was required to set up a separate account for Bessie Mae, keep records of expenses and file annual […]

The following is a re-post of David E. Hultstrom’s Financial Foundations April 2024. You can reach Mr. Hultstrom at  770-517-8160. It’s tax season once again and time for the annual summary of the state of the fisc. I have no political point, this is just data. The causes of the numbers below are thoroughly bipartisan. […]

In February 2024, Justice in Aging released a new report based on California’s “performance measure” data from the state’s Medicaid assisted living program. Aging in Justice concluded that the quality of care measures provide no meaningful information. A perfect score tells you nothing about the quality of care residents receive. The report concludes that the […]

We’ve posted some of David Hultstrom’s thoughts before and here we go again since he says “Feel free to pass this along.” The following, from his November, describes why he doesn’t try to predict movement in the financial marketplace: You may have noticed that I rarely comment on the market or economy in this monthly […]

Georgia Adult Protective Services Authority for Adult Protective Services is found at O.C.G.A. § 30-5-1 et seq. The stated purpose of the Act ” is to provide protective services for abused, neglected, or exploited disabled adults and elder persons. It is not the purpose of this chapter to place restrictions upon the personal liberty of […]

Today marks the 248th Birthday of our U.S. Navy. When I was a high school senior, allegedly I had the highest Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) score in my county. The Navy recruiter turned into my best friend and had me lined up to join the nuclear navy. Everything was looking great until I […]

Warren Buffett The following video clips are from Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meetings where Warren Buffett fielded questions regarding estate planning: 2013 Annual Meeting:   2023 Annual Meeting:  

Sometimes you just have to say No “No” isn’t a four-letter word. Saying “no” isn’t necessarily bad and you shouldn’t feel bad when you say it. Part of saying no means taking a stand. It can mean standing up to injustice. For example, our legal system is, for the most part, dependent on people saying […]

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