The Veterans Health Administration has posted a video series called Gerofitexercise. This seven episode series features different low-impact exercises designed to keep you healthy and fit. We’ve posted one below so you can check it out.
Also, Dr. Gary Small: The Formula for Successful Aging | Gary Small | TEDxUCLA Alzheimer’s Prevention Program The Benefits of Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease – Gary Small, MD | UCLAMDChat
The UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Video series provides viewers with practical tools you can use in a variety of settings to create a safe, comfortable environment both for the person with dementia and the caregiver. To learn more about the UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care, visit See entire training series at
When is it time for day care or a nursing home?
For other Teepa Snow videos, see Positive Approach to Care
If you’re trying to stay current on the law, you can sign up for email alerts from Justia, or you can search their blogs or topic oriented facebook pages. For example, check out their Public Benefits Blog or their Georgia Law Updates Facebook Page. To receive the summaries, subscribe by email at You can […]
This recipe looks good, but what I really love is remembering the coffee cakes my grandmother and Aunt Mary made when I was younger. Those were to die for! Allrecipe Coffee Cake
All parents, grandparents, guardians, and other family members of children with special needs are invited to take part in a parent-led Parent Support Group. • Children are welcome • Childcare is provided • Free Pizza Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm
“With the memory of the pandemic’s toll in nursing homes still raw, the COVID-19 relief law is offering states a generous funding boost for home- and community-based care as an alternative to institutionalizing disabled people.” However, funding for the current bill is temporary, “raising concerns it will have just fleeting impact…” For the full story, […]