Nursing home deaths up 32% in 2020 amid pandemic. The AP reported “Deaths among Medicare patients in nursing homes soared by 32% last year, with two devastating spikes eight months apart, a government watchdog reported Tuesday in the most comprehensive look yet at the ravages of COVID-19 among its most vulnerable victims” Read more The […]
Frontline posted a new podcast regarding a race-related murder in Chicago in 1955. That murder resulted in a bill named for the victim that would wind up in the halls of Congress. It was aimed at bringing justice to unsolved killings from the civil rights era. Around the same time, the Department of Justice and […]
Financial Literacy if key to know how to plan for your financial future and that of your loved one. We hope the following information helps. If you have suggestions for this page, please let us know. Welcome to Financial Literacy (Khan Academy) Transferring Family Wealth to the Next Generation: What’s the money for? Family Wealth […]
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is seeking comments through July 1, 2021 on its report regarding Malnutrition in Hospitalized Adults. The objective of the report was “To review the association between malnutrition and clinical outcomes among hospitalized patients, evaluate the effectiveness of screening for malnutrition on clinical outcomes, and assess the effectiveness of […]
David McGuffey did this interview with Elva Combs and Dan Combs several years ago, but it’s still worth a look. It’s a little over 13 minutes long.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has published new tools on Reverse Mortgages. The tool box includes basic information, eligibility, information about fees and how reverse mortgages are repaid.
Why economists use models and their limitations.
Rich dad, Poor dad explains why you should not be a slave to money. Also see, the Psychology of Money, stating that how you behave with money is more important than what you know