Elder Law

Petition for Accounting Does Not Trigger In Terrorem Clause

In In re Estate of Burkhalter, 354 Ga. App. 231 (2020), William Burkhalter was executor of the estate of Louise…

3 years ago

Probate Court May Restrict a Conservator’s Power to Spend Ward’s Income

In In re Estate of Jenkins, 358 Ga. App. 254 (2021), the ward (Shaun Jenkins) sustained profound injuries as an…

3 years ago

Survey: Do you have an Estate Plan?

We'd like to know whether you have an estate plan?

3 years ago

Form: Ethical Wills

An Ethical Will is a statement of values you want to pass along to those you leave behind. It is…

3 years ago

Form: Funeral Planning Guide

One gift you can give your family is a guide to what you want (and don't want) after you die.…

3 years ago

Form: Special Needs Planning Guide

The key to successful special needs planning is preparing for the day when parents, grandparents, spouses or others are no…

3 years ago

Form: Georgia Conservator’s Return

In Georgia, a Conservator must file an annual return and a final return. The current form appears below. For the…

3 years ago

Georgia Medicaid Estate Recovery Changes

As of December 21, 2021, Georgia has changed its Estate Recovery Program rules under Title 49 O.C.G.A. ยง 49-4-147.1. This…

3 years ago

Georgia Medicaid Renewals Extended Again

As of December 15, 2021, Georgia Medicaid renewals have been extended again due to Covid-19.

3 years ago

Medicare Supplement Policies for Individuals Under 65

In Georgia and 26 other states, insurers that sell Medicare supplement insurance must also sell those policies to individuals under…

3 years ago