Elder Law

Why People Do What They Do?: Honoring Traditions

Tradition can be a powerful motivator. Traditions can be like laws, meaning the group following them will not accept any…

10 months ago

NEW VIDEO: Medicaid – 2023 Financial Eligibility

We're just getting to the point where we're producing videos for EZ Elder Law. There are, after all, only so…

10 months ago

Why People Do What They Do?: A Desire for Certainty

This is the first in a series of posts exploring why people do what they do. In this post, we're…

10 months ago

Contacting Insurance Companies after a Policy Holder’s Death

After a policy holder dies, it is important to contact insurance companies to see whether a claim should be paid.…

10 months ago

CMS Webinars on Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Renewals

Join the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for Medicaid…

11 months ago

US District Court finds Florida violated ADA with unjustifiable segregation of institutionalized children with medical complexity

In United States v. Florida (Case No. 12-cv-60460-MIDDLEBROOKS/Hunt), decided in the United States District Court for the Southern District of…

12 months ago

Thoughts on Advance Planning with Inherited IRAs

If you're concerned about protecting your resources, here are a few thoughts on how to protect Inherited IRAs. First, define…

1 year ago

Handwriting Expert’s Testimony Supported Forgery Claim Regarding Life Insurance Proceeds

In Estate of Hargett v. Brown (Tenn. App. 6/9/2023), the Decedent, Willie Hargett, had separated from his wife, Robbie Hargett.…

1 year ago

Leqembi Approved by FDA

The FDA has approved Leqembi (Lecanemab) for patients with mild dementia and other symptoms caused by early Alzheimer's disease. Approval…

1 year ago

IRS says “Wait a Minute” on Stepping-up Basis for Assets in Irrevocable Trust

Until recently, the IRS has said little (if anything) regarding whether assets the beneficiary of an irrevocable trust receives get…

1 year ago