An attending physician, treating physician, or other physician licensed according to the laws of the State of Georgia, after having personally examined an adult, may certify in the adult’s medical records the following: (1) The adult is unable to consent for himself or herself; and (2) It is the physician’s belief that it is in […]
Many people have questions about guns and gun rights, especially as they relate to the elderly. The general answer is that in the United States, guns are poorly regulated. EZ Elder Law has no opinion regarding gun ownership generally, but guns and dementia are a poor mix. It is estimated that 9% of older Americans […]
Parents who are looking to protect their special needs children often begin by considering how decisions will be made. Capacity is a continuum, so every special needs child and every family is unique. Essentially there are three models where the individual needs decision-making support. Substitute decision-making, supported decision-making, and court supervised decision-making (guardianships and/or conservatorship). […]
On Friday, November 12, 2021, at 1pm eastern, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America will host a webinar titled “New Rules for End of Life Care.” It features guest speaker Barbara Karnes, RN, author of Gone from My Sight: The Dying Experience, and creator of New Rules for End of Life Care: A Guide on the […]
(Last updated 8/8/2023) The central and initial issue in every guardianship and conservatorship case is whether the proposed ward has decision-making capacity. In other words, can the proposed ward make and communicate significant decisions about himself (or herself) and can the proposed ward make and communicate significant decisions about his (or her) finances? For purposes […]
Information regarding health care advance directives is here. The Georgia statutory advance directive for health care is below:
As Psychiatric Advance Directive allows an individual to designate who would make mental health decisions for the patient in the event the patient cannot speak for himself or herself and mental health treatment is required. Currently, 25 States have statutes recognizing the validity of psychiatric advance directives, but other States such as Georgia, are considering […]
In CL SNF, LLC v. Fountain (Ga. Supreme Court September 21, 2021), the Georgia Supreme Court reversed CL SNF, LLC v. Fountain, 355 Ga. App. 176, 183 (1) (843 SE2d 605) (2020), finding that the Georgia Guardianship Code grants a guardian authority to enter into a binding pre-dispute arbitration agreement. The Clinch County Probate Court […]
On July 30, 2021, Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr announced the indictment of Borin Khoun on four counts of Theft by Taking in Gwinnett County Superior Court. The press release states: “Our Prosecution Division is committed to stopping criminals who perpetrate identity theft and financial fraud,” said Attorney General Chris Carr. “People who prey on […]
The National Institute of Nursing Research announced an upcoming webinar: On September 14, 2021, Dr. Mi-Kyung Song will present “Addressing One of the Most Enduring Challenges in Health Care: End-of-Life Decision Making” from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. (ET). In this NINR Director’s Lecture, Dr. Song will present her intervention research to develop and test an […]