
From UCTV: Dr. Geroges Naasan explores the principal clinical syndromes of Alzheimer’s Disease: memory, visual, language and frontal/executive. He also discusses neuropathology, genetic factors and modern biomarkers with colleagues from the UCSF Memory and Aging Center. Recorded on 04/30/2019.

The UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Video series provides viewers with practical tools you can use in a variety of settings to create a safe, comfortable environment both for the person with dementia and the caregiver. To learn more about the UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care, visit See entire training series at

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The federal Patient Self-Determination Act, passed in 1990 and effective on December 1, 1991, requires most health care providers to provide information regarding health care advance directives. The purpose of the legislation was to enhance patient choice. It applies to Medicare providers through 42 U.S. Code § 1395cc(f) and Medicaid providers through 42 U.S. Code […]

Resident suffering from dementia was admitted to nursing facility. Husband signed admissions documents including two arbitration agreements. California law prohibits including the arbitration agreement in the admissions agreement so it was a separate document. Husband signed the arbitration agreement on a line labled “Legal Rep/Responsible Party/Agent.” Husband did not hold a power of attorney and […]

After Plaintiff filed suit, Defendant filed a motion to dismiss, compel arbitration and stay discovery. The magistrate entered a report and recommendation that the motion be denied. Before the magistrate the plaintiff raised enough evidence to question the nursing home resident’s capacity to enter into an arbitration agreement. The plaintiff also argued that because a […]

A jury trial was held to determine whether Mildred Hilton had testamentary capacity to execute a new Will. After the jury found she lacked capacity, the trial court determined that the verdict was incorrect and entered judgment notwithstanding the verdict. Alternatively, the judge also entered an order granting a new trial. Under Georgia law, a […]

On July 5, 2016, in Doctors Hospital of Augusta v. Alicea, 299 Ga. 315 (2016), the Georgia Supreme Court affirmed lower court decisions denying a motion for summary judgment. In doing so, the Court interpreted the Georgia Advanced Directive Act, O.C.G.A. § 31-32-1 et seq., holding that it is the will of the patient or […]

If a Guardianship Petition moves forward, O.C.G.A. § 29-4-11(d) describes the required evaluation and how it works: (1) If the petition is not dismissed under subsection (b) of this Code section, the court shall appoint an evaluating physician who shall be a physician licensed to practice medicine under Chapter 34 of Title 43, a psychologist […]

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