Estate Planning

Common Law Marriage: Court finds Wife was not a “Wife”

By statute, Georgia law provides that "No common-law marriage shall be entered into in this state on or after January…

3 years ago

Executor Is Subject to Probate Court’s Authority While Serving

In In re Estate of Cornett, 357 Ga. App. 310 (2020), Sarah Cornett was appointed successor Executor over the Will…

3 years ago

Form: Health Values Questionnaire

In addition to a health care advance directive, one way to create evidence regarding your health treatment wishes and end-of0life…

3 years ago

Form IRS Form 2848, Power of Attorney

If you want someone to represent you in front of the IRS, you will need to execute Form 2848. The…

3 years ago

Petition for Accounting Does Not Trigger In Terrorem Clause

In In re Estate of Burkhalter, 354 Ga. App. 231 (2020), William Burkhalter was executor of the estate of Louise…

3 years ago

Survey: Do you have an Estate Plan?

We'd like to know whether you have an estate plan?

3 years ago

Form: Ethical Wills

An Ethical Will is a statement of values you want to pass along to those you leave behind. It is…

3 years ago

Form: Funeral Planning Guide

One gift you can give your family is a guide to what you want (and don't want) after you die.…

3 years ago

Form: Special Needs Planning Guide

The key to successful special needs planning is preparing for the day when parents, grandparents, spouses or others are no…

3 years ago

News Roundup – December 16, 2021

General Sources: Autism Society's Capital Connection 12-16-2021 (reviewing Build Back Better Act) National Health Care Spending in 2020: Growth Driven…

3 years ago