Last Will and Testament

Form: Simple Last Will and Testament

Although we do NOT recommend that you prepare your own Will, an example of a form published by the Southern Judicial…

2 years ago

Frivolous Objection to Will Triggers Attorney’s Fees

On March 4, 2022, the Georgia Court of Appeals decided In re Estate of Elinor J. Ferrell (A21A1361). There, Alvin…

2 years ago

News Roundup – 3/4/2022

We regularly post links to news articles and other resources that might be of interest to our viewers. We focus…

2 years ago

Testamentary Gift Adeemed by Extinction

In In re Estate of Tom Cone, Jr., filed February 28, 2022, the Tennessee Court of Appeals affirmed the Probate…

2 years ago

Probate Court had jurisdiction to construe consent order in the context of Petition to Settle Accounts

On February 24, 2022, the Georgia Court of Appeals decided In re Estate of Plybon (Appeal No. A21A1740, 2/24/2022). There,…

2 years ago

News Roundup – 2/25/2022

February is American Heart Month! Read President Biden's Proclamation on American Healrth Month 2022 We regularly post links to news…

2 years ago

Laughing Heirs

Poor estate planning (or no planning) can result in unexpected and unintended results. All States have a law similar to…

2 years ago

Presumption of Validity Applies When Witnesses to Will Do Not Remember

In In Re Estate of McClendon, 359 Ga. App. 259 (2021), decedent David McLendon's Will was offered for probate by…

2 years ago

Offering a Lost Will for Probate

In Georgia, the original Will must be offered for probate if it is available. If the original Will is lost,…

2 years ago

News Roundup 2-4-2022

NOTE: If you have a Georgia corporation or limited liability company, your annual return is due by April 1, 2022.…

2 years ago