Powers of Attorney

Deed found to be valid despite allegations of undue influence

In Estate of Bane (Tenn. Ct. App. 3/23/2022), Martha Bane gave her son, John Bane, a power of attorney with…

2 years ago

Bank records discoverable in Power of Attorney Dispute

In Bethune v. Bethune (Georgia Court of Appeals A21A1659, March 11, 2022), Donald Bethune was acting as agent for his…

2 years ago

News Roundup – 3/25/2022

March is Developmental Disability Awareness Month. March is also National Kidney Month. We regularly post links to news articles and…

2 years ago

Form IRS Form 2848, Power of Attorney

If you want someone to represent you in front of the IRS, you will need to execute Form 2848. The…

3 years ago

Survey: Do you have an Estate Plan?

We'd like to know whether you have an estate plan?

3 years ago

News Roundup – December 16, 2021

General Sources: Autism Society's Capital Connection 12-16-2021 (reviewing Build Back Better Act) National Health Care Spending in 2020: Growth Driven…

3 years ago

Decision-Making Supports for Special Needs Individuals and Others Needing Assistance

Parents who are looking to protect their special needs children often begin by considering how decisions will be made. Capacity…

3 years ago

Georgia Statutory Power of Attorney Form

Our page discussing powers or attorney, what they are, (what they are not), and how they are used is here.…

3 years ago

Issues To Consider as You Age

As you plan for your future, there are steps you can take to make life easier for yourself and your…

3 years ago