

We regularly post links to news articles and other resources that might be of interest to our viewers. We focus on general news, health and healthcare news, special needs news, events, government sources, financial and retirement news and legal news. Only headlines are listed so you can use this page like a newspaper, reading only […]


We regularly post links to news articles and other resources that might be of interest to our viewers. We focus on general news, health and healthcare news, special needs news, events, government sources, financial and retirement news and legal news. Only headlines are listed so you can use this page like a newspaper, reading only […]

Georgia State Medicaid Plan - Rules of Evidence - Scholarly Articles

In Estate of Bane (Tenn. Ct. App. 3/23/2022), Martha Bane gave her son, John Bane, a power of attorney with “full power and authority to do and perform all acts and things whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done . . . as I might or could do if acting personally.” She also executed a […]


In Bethune v. Bethune (Georgia Court of Appeals A21A1659, March 11, 2022), Donald Bethune was acting as agent for his 89-year-old mother under a power of attorney executed on November 14, 2019. Richard Bethune, Donald’s brother, filed an action seeking relief under the Georgia Power of Attorney Act, O.C.G.A. § 10-6B-1 et seq. On appeal, […]


March is Developmental Disability Awareness Month. March is also National Kidney Month. We regularly post links to news articles and other resources that might be of interest to our viewers. We focus on general news, health and healthcare news, special needs news, events, government sources, financial and retirement news and legal news. Only headlines are […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

If you want someone to represent you in front of the IRS, you will need to execute Form 2848. The 2021 version is below. Updated versions are available at

We’d like to know whether you have an estate plan?

estate planning

General Sources: Autism Society’s Capital Connection 12-16-2021 (reviewing Build Back Better Act) National Health Care Spending in 2020: Growth Driven by Federal Spending in Response to Covid-19 (Health Affairs) House Advances Build Back Better Act (Health Affairs) Indirect Gift Tax Considerations for 2021 (The Tax Advisor) Smart moves to make with your retirement portfolio before […]

Parents who are looking to protect their special needs children often begin by considering how decisions will be made. Capacity is a continuum, so every special needs child and every family is unique. Essentially there are three models where the individual needs decision-making support. Substitute decision-making, supported decision-making, and court supervised decision-making (guardianships and/or conservatorship). […]


Our page discussing powers or attorney, what they are, (what they are not), and how they are used is here. The Statutory form is here (fillable version below):

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