Guardianship & Conservatorship

Appeal Route From Article 6 Probate Court is to Court of Appeals

In Spence v. Dep't of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, 359 Ga. App. 603 (2021), Jermaine Spense was involuntarily committed…

3 years ago

Conservator/County Administrator appointed ex-officio administrator of ward’s estate

In In re Estate of Brown, 357 Ga. App. 869, 850 S.E.2d 503 (2020), the Fulton County Probate Court appointed…

3 years ago

Form: Health Values Questionnaire

In addition to a health care advance directive, one way to create evidence regarding your health treatment wishes and end-of0life…

3 years ago

Probate Court May Restrict a Conservator’s Power to Spend Ward’s Income

In In re Estate of Jenkins, 358 Ga. App. 254 (2021), the ward (Shaun Jenkins) sustained profound injuries as an…

3 years ago

Form: Georgia Conservator’s Return

In Georgia, a Conservator must file an annual return and a final return. The current form appears below. For the…

3 years ago

Standby Guardians

A parent or a guardian (each a “designated individual”) may appoint a standby guardian of a minor. O.C.G.A. § 29-2-10.…

3 years ago

Involuntary Hospitalization and Treatment of Involuntary Patients

The procedure commonly referred to as a “1013” is governed by O.C.G.A. Title 37, Chapter 3 (§ 37-3-41 et seq).*…

3 years ago

Temporary Health Care Placement Decision Maker for an Adult Act (O.C.G.A. § 31-36A-1 et seq.)

An attending physician, treating physician, or other physician licensed according to the laws of the State of Georgia, after having…

3 years ago

Gun Laws and Related Information

Many people have questions about guns and gun rights, especially as they relate to the elderly. The general answer is…

3 years ago

Decision-Making Supports for Special Needs Individuals and Others Needing Assistance

Parents who are looking to protect their special needs children often begin by considering how decisions will be made. Capacity…

3 years ago