In April, 2022, we reported that HB 620 altered how settlements for minors can be approved under O.C.G.A. § 29-3-3, at least in cases where the trial court approves direct payment to a trust. Prior to passage of HB 620, Section 29-3-3 read as follows: 2021 Version For purposes of this Code section, the term […]
The following is a mishmash of information on various Elder Law, Special Needs Law, and Estate Planning issues. It also includes anything else we found interesting during the month of June, 2023. We will continue updating from time to time throughout the month. Last updated 6/8/2023. Keep in mind, you are using linked content at […]
Medicare Open Enrollment takes place each year between October 15th and December 7th. During the Open Enrollment period, you can check to see whether you have the right Medicare plan to cover your physicians and pharmaceuticals. You can check to see whether a Medicare Advantage Plan would give you similar or better coverage for a […]
In McGee v. State Dep’t of Health Care Servs., 2023 Ca. App. LEXIS 409 (Cal. Ct. App., 3d Dist. 5/24/2023), Diana McGee established a special needs trust under the provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 1396p(d)(4)(A). This followed a malpractice action and settlement. Dianna suffered from short bowel syndrome, which impaired her ability to care for […]
“In general, in order to maintain an action, a party “must establish standing to sue on the ground asserted, which requires showing an injury in fact that was caused by the breach of a duty owed by the defendants to the plaintiffs and that will be redressed by a favorable decision from the court.” Ames […]
In L.U. v. Division of Medical Assistance (N.J. Superior Court Docket A-2937-20, May 23, 2023), the Superior Court affirmed denial of L.U.’s request for a fair hearing. How, you ask? “I thought everyone had a right to a fair hearing!!! Well, apparently not. L.U. was an unrepresented Medicaid recipient. He appealed from a May 11, […]
In Henderson v. Dept. of Health and Human Services (May 18, 2023), a Medicaid applicant transferred significant resources, including the full value of her retirement account, to an irrevocable trust. When she applied for Medicaid during the 60 month look back period, the Medicaid agency found the resources were not countable, but imposed a transfer […]
The following Georgia Medicaid cases were litigated outside the context of an administrative hearing, or were appealed beyond that point. Of course, we are not representing there are no other published decisions on point. United Cerebral Palsy of Georgia v. Ga. Dep’t of Behavioral Health and Dev. Disabilities, 331 Ga. App. 616 (2015). A provider […]