
elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

In Walsh v. Bowen (Ga. App. 2023), the Court considered whether an inter vivos gift to a 529 account was a completed gift. Rick Walsh made transfers during his lifetime to a 529 account his wife, Alice Walsh, owned for the benefit of her grandchildren. Although there was evidence Mr. Walsh contemplated the gift earlier, […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

An easy way to think about trusts is to consider the example of a delivery truck. A delivery truck driver has no control over how a package is addressed by the sender. The truck driver has no control (other than his delivery schedule) over who receives the package. The driver transports the package as directed. […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

One of the most fundamental, but often overlooked issues when planning for – or evaluating – Medicaid eligibility is this: Medicaid does not alter property rights, contract rights or other legal rights with value. Medicaid simply measures those rights to determine whether they cause an applicant to be eligible or ineligible. In other words, if […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

On April 5, 2023, the VA posted (presumably to remind everyone) regarding its comprensive assistance for family caregivers. The VA said “Support for caregivers means making sure you’re informed about the programs, resources, and services available to you. The Caregiver Support Program (CSP) provides clinical services to caregivers of Veterans who are enrolled in the […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

The Will must be signed by the testator Under O.C.G.A. § 53-4-20, the testator (who must be at least 14 years old) must sign his or her will. The signature can be a sign, mark, or any name that is intended to authenticate the document as the testator’s will. If the testator is physically unable […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

The new Aid and Attendance enhanced pension rates for 2023 are: Surviving Spouse $1,432 Monthly / $17,184 per year Single Veteran $2,229 Monthly / $26,748 per year Married Veteran $2,642 Monthly / $31,704 per year Two Vets Married $3,536 Monthly / $42,432 per year If you qualify for these benefits, the VA will base your […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

There are many types of “Plaintiff’s cases.” This article focuses on injury cases. Injury cases can be as simple as a car wreck or as complex as a medical malpractice case. Regardless, they generally require four essential elements: duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages. See Calhoun First Nat’l Bank v. Dickens, 264 Ga. 285 […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

Each year, most Medicaid eligibility limits are adjusted for inflation. The 2023 Georgia Medicaid income and resource limits are: SSI Medicaid: Income: $914 per month, Countable Resources: $2,000 QMB Medicaid: Income: $1,235 (100% FPL + $20), Countable Resources: $9,090 SLMB Medicaid: Income: $1,478 (120% FPL +$20), Countable Resources: $9,090 CCSP/EDWP/Nursing Home Income Cap: $2,742; Applicant […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

As of this writing, the following pooled trusts are authorized by the Department of Community Health to provide trust services in Georgia: Georgia Community/Trust/Bobby Dodd Institute Anita Gardner Decatur, GA 404.809.2914 Anchor For Special Needs, Inc. Annie Warner Cincinnati, OH 844.526.2467 Advocates and Guardians for the Elderly & Disabled (AGED) Thad A. Joseph Longwood, FL 888-277-1826 The Center […]

My dream is to establish an advocate’s academy. The ultimate name isn’t as important as the mission. It will train existing and future leaders in law, medicine, faith, government, law enforcement, education, caregiving and more. The goal is to develop leadership skills, discuss ethics, improve professionalism, and expand the knowledge base for attendees in their […]

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