
elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

In In re Estate of Burkhalter, 354 Ga. App. 231 (2020), William Burkhalter was executor of the estate of Louise Ray Burkhalter. George Burkhalter and Nancy Ward, beneficiaries of Louise’s estate, filed a petition for declaratory judgment seeking an accounting. William took the position that George and Nancy had violated the Will’s in terrorem clause […]

In In re Estate of Jenkins, 358 Ga. App. 254 (2021), the ward (Shaun Jenkins) sustained profound injuries as an infant due to malpractice. Jenkins received a settlement giving him annual income of $337,000 (or about $28,000 per month). The probate court limited the Conservator’s spending to $17,000. In 2019, the Conservator purchased a disabled-accessible […]

We’d like to know whether you have an estate plan?

An Ethical Will is a statement of values you want to pass along to those you leave behind. It is not a replacement for a Last Will & Testament, which distributes your property. However, money isn’t necessarily the most important thing you leave behind when you depart this world. You can use this form (or […]


One gift you can give your family is a guide to what you want (and don’t want) after you die. Many families are grieving when they make choices at the funeral home. Completing a planning guide can help them get it right so they don’t overcompensate when making funeral plans.

estate planning

The key to successful special needs planning is preparing for the day when parents, grandparents, spouses or others are no longer available to assist the individual with special needs. There are many special needs planning guides out there, but the form below is an example you can use. We also recommend Hal Wright’s book, the […]

In Georgia, a Conservator must file an annual return and a final return. The current form appears below. For the most part, this form requires a check-book type entry, listing all funds coming in and all funds going out. One mistake many conservators make which adds to the book-keeping burden is maintaining multiple accounts. Multiple […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

As of December 21, 2021, Georgia has changed its Estate Recovery Program rules under Title 49 O.C.G.A. § 49-4-147.1. This change is effective July as of July 1, 2018.

As of December 15, 2021, Georgia Medicaid renewals have been extended again due to Covid-19.

In Georgia and 26 other states, insurers that sell Medicare supplement insurance must also sell those policies to individuals under 65 who receive Medicare as a result of disability. Specifically, O.C.G.A. § 33-43-3(g) provides: Insurers offering medicare supplement policies in this state to persons 65 years of age or older shall also offer medicare supplement […]

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