
Robert C. Port is a business litigation attorney practicing with Gaslowitz Frankel, LLC. He is author of Georgia Business Litigation and has a blog covering diverse subjects such as “Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until the Divorce is Finalized to Update Your Estate Plan,” “Investing 101: Things to Consider and Questions to Ask,” and “How Long […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

Deeming Terminates After Eligibility Is Established. Four years later, the Duprees were back in Court. At the annual review on February 29, 2012, DFCS denied eligibility due to a failure to submit documentation. The documents were then submitted and eligibility was denied with DFCS alleging petitioner was over resourced. Petitioner had not acquired any new […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries -Georgia Medicaid Manual

Which Home is the Homeplace? Pernie Dupree entered a nursing home on September 11, 2009. Prior to her admission, she had lived with her husband at 1 Bragg Circle since 1949. The Bragg Circle property was valued at $45,411. After hs wife entered the nursing home, due to his declining health Mr. Dupree moved into his […]

estate planning

Pooled Trust Subaccount Established for Individual Over 65yo. An 83 year old deposited $12,320 into a pooled trust in August 2008. In November 2008, he applied for Medicaid. His application was denied. The parties stipulated the trust complied with 42 USC 1396p(d)(4)(C), but the Department took the position a transfer penalty should be applied. The […]

estate planning

Direct Transfer to Disabled Child; Previously Unknown Resource. Applications for Medicaid were filed on November 24, 2008 and January 8, 2009. The first application was denied for failure to provide documentation. The second was approved on April 16, 2009 with assessment of a penalty through 2009. The transfer was directly to a disabled child rather […]

estate planning

Annuity; Transfer Penalty for Failing to Name State as Beneficiary. Petitioner, a 95 year old nursing home resident, applied for Medicaid on December 15, 2008. DFCS denied eligibility and imposed a transfer of resources penalty because she had purchased an annuity without naming the State of Georgia as a beneficiary. The annuity was irrevocable and […]

estate planning

Single Premium Life Insurance Contract; Penalty Reversed. On November 5, 2008, Petitioner filed an application to purchase a Single Premium Pure Endowment Life Insurance Contract. She paid $89,500 for the policy which, in five years, would pay her children $91,327.  The contract stated there was no cash surrender value and that no benefits would be […]

estate planning

No Retroactive Application of Policy Changes Permitted; Payments for Renovations to Accommodate Petitioner Permitted; Payments Consistent with Prior Accepted Obligation Permitted. Petitioner was hospitalized with a stroke in 2008, after which she went to live with one of her sons until she was re-hospitalized in November 2008. Thereafter, she remained in a nursing home. Petitioner […]

estate planning

Personal Services Contract rejected. Petitioner was admitted to a nursing home in October 2008, where she continued to stay. At the time, she had $36,332 in resources. Petitioner entered into a contract with Ms. Hailey to provide personal care services at the nursing home for life for $23,000. Her life expectancy was 10 more years. […]

VA Improved Pension Not Income. Petitioner applied for Medicaid on November 4, 2008. Petitioner was the surviving spouse of a veteran eligible for VA Improved Pension. At the time, the income cap was $2,022 and, if the Improved Pension was included in Petitioner’s income, then her gross monthly income exceeded the income cap. Of Petitioner’s $1,056 […]

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