“With the memory of the pandemic’s toll in nursing homes still raw, the COVID-19 relief law is offering states a generous funding boost for home- and community-based care as an alternative to institutionalizing disabled people.” However, funding for the current bill is temporary, “raising concerns it will have just fleeting impact…” For the full story, […]
This case presents the question whether a trust created with reference to the Federal Medicaid statutes — the Valerie R. Pecce Supplemental Needs Trust (2001 trust) — should be reformed due to mistake. According to the petitioner, Gino DiGiacomo, the 2001 trust incorrectly and unnecessarily provides that trust assets must first be used to reimburse […]
Medicaid, just one of the sets of rules applicable to most older adults, is one of the most complex laws ever enacted. Even Judges have difficulty understanding it. What follows are a few quotes from court decisions: “The Social Security Act is among the most intricate ever drafted by Congress. Its Byzantine construction, as Judge […]
The husband died six months after the decedent. The decedent had required nursing home care, and she received Medicaid assistance to pay for the care. The estate’s personal representative allowed $ 63,880 as a claim against the estate but disallowed $ 44,533. The county contended that it was entitled to full recovery because the value […]
Plaintiffs were a group of couples with one spouse in the nursing home and other spouse still in the community. In each case, the Community Spouse was the beneficiary of a Community Spouse Annuity Trust (“CSAT”). Some institutionalized spouses had been denied Medicaid, while others had applications pending. The Plaintiffs challenged the State’s treatment of […]
Guardians of two nursing home residents brought suit contending that the State erred by beginning a transfer penalty on the first day of the month after a transfer, rather than on the month of the transfer. The Court found the claims barred by the Eleventh Amendment. It dismissed the remainder of the Complaint for failure […]
Hazel Wilson and her husband executed and funded a revocable living trust in 1991. The trust became irrevocable at her husband’s death in 1998, forming an A/B trust. Hazel had access to the principal and income from trust A, but only the income from trust B. In 1999, Hazel transferred $636,638 in property to her […]
Sonya Lotzer and Bobbi Lerud were in separate collisions. After settling their negligence claims, they funded special needs trusts without first paying Medicaid liens asserted by the State of Minnesota. Norwest Bank filed a declaratory judgment action alleging that Medicaid’s right to recover is deferred until the beneficiary’s death where a third party recovery is […]
A tort plaintiff sought to fund his special needs trust without first repaying the Medicaid lien. Citing Norwest, the Court concluded that 1396p(d)(4) does not alter Medicaid’s right to recover on its lien prior to funding a special needs trust. The recipient’s rights against the third-party tortfeasor were assigned when he applied for and received […]
A 51 year old nursing home resident assigned her Social Security Disability check to a special needs trust. She then argued that the SSD payment was not subject to Medicaid’s co-pay requirement. The Department rejected her argument, requiring that she pay her SSD (less her personal needs allowance) toward the cost of nursing home care. […]