
Carl Bergman had an annuity account which he transferred to his wife after he was admitted to a nursing home. After Lucille, his wife, was diagnosed with cancer, she gifted those assets to their children. Following Lucille’s death, the State filed an estate recovery claim in Lucille’s estate relating to payments made for Carl’s care. […]

Prior to his death, Harold Ullmer was on Medicaid. At his death, Harold and his wife, Agnes, owned their home in joint tenancy. Agnes continued to reside in the home. The State recorded a notice of lis pendens against the property, and filed a petition seeking to impose a lien in the amount of $144,475.76 […]

Beverly Tutinas’s husband, Julian, was on Medicaid, but she was not. When Beverly died owning a home valued at $69,641.89 and a car worth $2,000, the state of Illinois filed a claim against Beverly’s estate, seeking to recover what Medicaid had invested in Julian’s care. The court found that, although the state clearly had a […]

Seeking to increase the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA), the Staffords conveyed their home to a trust. After Mr. Stafford was institutionalized, the trust conveyed the home to Mrs. Stafford. The purpose of the transaction was to make the home countable during the resource assessment, thereby increasing the value of the marital assets; in Idaho […]

Robert and Josephine James were married when Robert went to the nursing home. A resource assessment was done and Medicaid determined they had $278,343 in available resources. To reduce their assets, Josephine purchased a $250,000 single premium immediate irrevocable annuity from General Electric Assurance Company. She then purchased a new vehicle for $8,550 and filed […]

(a) For purposes of this Code section, the term “property” includes any interest in property and any power over or right with respect to the property. (b) Any person to whom an interest in property is transferred or who succeeds to property by contract or by operation of law may renounce the property in whole […]

(a) An individual who feloniously and intentionally kills or conspires to kill or procures the killing of another individual forfeits the right to take an interest from the decedent’s estate and to serve as a personal representative or trustee of the decedent’s estate or any trust created by the decedent. For purposes of this Code […]

O.C.G.A. § 53-1-10. Lifetime transfers (a) A lifetime transfer to a beneficiary of property that is the subject of a specific testamentary gift is treated as a satisfaction if it is shown pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) of this Code section that the transfer is intended to satisfy the testamentary gift. (b) A […]

(a) If more than one personal representative is qualified and unless the will provides otherwise: (1) The personal representatives must act by their unanimous action; provided, however, that while a personal representative is unable to act because of inaccessibility, illness, or other incapacity, or when a vacancy occurs for any other reason, the remaining personal […]

O.C.G.A. § 53-5-60. Short title his article shall be known and may be cited as the “Uniform Transfer on Death Security Registration Act.” O.C.G.A. § 53-5-61. Definitions As used in this article, the term: (1) “Beneficiary form” means a registration of a security which indicates the present owner of the security and the intention of […]

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