In Georgia, the original Will must be offered for probate if it is available. If the original Will is lost, Section 53-4-46 creates a presumption that the Will was revoked due to its destruction, but that presumption may be overcome by a preponderance of the evidence. Section 53-4-46(b) provides: A copy of a will may […]
In Estate of Jeffcoat, 361 Ga. App. 828 (2021), Eleisha Pate filed a Petition to Probate the Will of Rhonda Jeffcoat, her mother. Pate was the named Executor. However, evidence in the Probate Court showed that Pate and her half-sister, Shauna Jeffcoat, could not get along. As a result, the Probate Court found Pate was […]
In Wilbur v. Floyd, 353 Ga. App. 864 (2020), Jeffrey Wilbur, on behalf of himself and as the executor of Gwen Wilbur’s estate, appealed summary judgment in favor of his sister, Patricia Floyd. Wilbur argued the trial court (1) erred in concluding that (a) the mother’s will was not valid because the attestation page was […]
O.C.G.A. § 53-3-5 allows a surviving spouse or minor child to file a claim for Year’s Support. Although there are rarely objections, if someone contests the Petition, then the Petitioner must prove entitlement. Georgia appellate courts state the “intent [of year’s support] is to protect the family survivors from a reduction in their standard of […]
Sometimes the original executor can no longer serve. The following form may be used to petition the Probate Court for appointment of a successor executor. Source: Cobb County Probate Court
If the person named as Executor in a Last Will and Testament does not wish to serve, most Probate Court require that he or she file a renunciation from executorship (if the named executor is deceased, file a copy of his or her death certificate). The following form is not an official form, but it […]
Unless the applicable Probate Court requires a different form, the following form may be used when preparing an estate inventory (if one is required). Use additional sheets as necessary. The inventory must be delivered to estate beneficiaries if there is a Will and to heirs-at-law if the estate is being administered. In uncontested cases, if […]
The following form may be used when seeking authority to open a safety deposit box after a decedent’s death to determine whether the Last Will and Testament is there. If the Will is located, the attached Order authorizes the Petitioner to deliver the Will to the Probate Court. Source: Cobb County Probate Court
When you file a Petition to Probate a Will or for Letters of Administration, you must give notice to the heirs-at-law. Sometimes it’s difficult to determine who is an heir-at-law. The following worksheet can be used when identifying them: Source: Cobb County Probate Court (This form is available on several Probate Court websites) See O.C.G.A. […]
In Georgia, a Will must be self-proved or the witnesses to the Will must either sign written witness interrogatories or provide testimony that they observed the Will’s execution and that requisite formalities were observed. What happens if the witnesses are deceased or cannot be located? The law allows (O.C.G.A. § 53-5-24) someone familiar with the […]