
n 2003, Frankie Walker created an irrevocable trust. After her death, her husband, Van Anda, sought to set aside the trust and transfers into the trust, arguing they were the product of undue influence. The trust, as drafted had the effect of leaving virtually all of Frankie’s estate to her sister, Mollie Lewis. Frankie, then […]

Porter Morrison Ryan was survived by her daughter, Mary Frances Tuttle and other relatives. After Porter died in 2003, Tuttle asked the court to probate a Will executed in 1956. The other relatives objected, contending that the 1956 Will was revoked when Porter executed a new Will in 1999. Tuttle responded arguing that Porter was […]

Prior to filing suit, Plaintiff opened an estate for resident in Tallahatchie County. After the suit was filed, Defendants filed a motion to render appointment of the administrator void ab initio, contending the estate should have been filed in Leflore county. Plaintiffs then filed a petition for the appointment of an administrator in Leflore county […]

Effective January 1, 2021, Georgia HB 865 (Act 508), amended the Georgia Probate code. Now, if you prepare a written statement or list disposing of tangible personal property (a “who gets what” list), it can be incorporated into your will by reference. That means that if there is a dispute concerning tangible personal property, the […]

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