The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regularly records and posts informational workshops on a variety of subjects. For…
We regularly post links to news articles and other resources related to Elder Law and Special Needs Law. We focus…
Medicaid beneficiaries cannot “fix” eligibility by giving away resources. A transfer of resources without receipt of fair market value will…
As with the income rules, the resource defaults may be changed. First, if all of the Applicant's income has been…
A Community Spouse is entitled to a resource allowance in addition to the income allowance. 42 U.S. Code § 1396r–5(f)(1)…
As a general rule, all countable resources owned by the Institutionalized Spouse are considered available to pay his or her…
The law protects a Community Spouse with low income. It does this by diverting a portion of the applicant's income…
On the income side, there are three pathways to Medicaid eligibility for nursing home residents. First, SSI recipients are almost…
In evaluating financial eligibility for Medicaid, both monthly income and resources must be considered. The basic rule is everything having…