Income Eligibility

Medicaid: Court Adjusted CSRA

Increase CSRA in Superior Court, followed by Application and Fair Hearing. After admission to a nursing home, but prior to…

3 years ago

Medicaid: Use of Burial Funds is Income

Use of Burial Funds for Care Results in them Being Treated as Income. In a one page decision, the ALJ…

3 years ago

Medicaid: Another Case without a Qualified Income Trust

No QIT, No Medicaid if Income Exceeds Cap, Part 2. Petitioner entered a nursing home in June 2008 and filed…

3 years ago

Medicaid: No QIT, No Medicaid

No QIT means No Medicaid If Income Exceeds Cap. Petitioner entered the nursing home in July 2007 and applied for…

3 years ago

Medicaid: Cost-Share Calculation

Calculation of Cost-Share. As of November 1, 2008, Petitioner’s gross monthly income was $2,385.54. DGCS calculated the cost-share as $2,189…

3 years ago

Medicaid: Cost-share deduction for health insurance premium

Cost-share deduction for health insurance premiums. The ALJ stated the issue as whether a nursing home resident is entitled to…

3 years ago

Medicaid: Court Reaches Wrong Conclusion Regarding Community Spouse

Incorrect Decision Reached Regarding Status of Community Spouse. A nursing home resident’s spouse was denied a Community Spouse Monthly Income…

3 years ago

Medicaid: Ignorance of QIT Requirement No Excuse

Ignorance of QIT Requirement Does Not Excuse Failure to Comply. Nursing home resident’s son assisted with her October 25, 2007…

3 years ago

Medicaid: Hire a Lawyer

Hire a Lawyer. An unrepresented nursing home resident applied for Medicaid on December 21, 2007. A 981 was issued after…

3 years ago

Timm v. Mont. Dep’t of Pub. HHS, 2008 MT 126 (2008)

In Timm v. Mont. Dep’t of Pub. HHS, 2008 MT 126 (2008), Linda Timm entered the nursing home in July…

3 years ago