
Georgia State Medicaid Plan - Rules of Evidence - Scholarly Articles

There are times when formal “legal” communication is necessary. This post addresses several instances regarding how that can be done. It is not meant to be all inclusive and, in many cases, specific communication rules apply. Beginning a lawsuit: When you begin a lawsuit, a summons must be served on the Defendant(s). Generally, Rule 4 […]

Gibbs and Ali

We regularly post links to news articles and other resources related to Elder Law and Special Needs Law. We focus on general news, health and healthcare news, special needs news, events, government sources, financial and retirement news and legal news. Some cited resources are for professionals, but most are news or other helpful articles we […]


We regularly scour the internet looking for information relating to elder care, special needs and elder law. Although we review a number of sources collecting information, many of the articles listed here were found using Google Scholar Alerts. If a link you need has gone missing, try pasting the link into the Wayback Machine (Internet […]

Bibbs and Ali

During COVID-19, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) prohibited most state Medicaid agencies from disenrolling individuals who received Medicaid. However, the rules installed to protect Medicaid recipients during the pandemic are currently scheduled to end in October, 2022, and, as pointed out in an NPR special, many families are expected to face hardship. […]


We regularly post links to news articles and other resources related to Elder Law and Special Needs Law. We focus on general news, health and healthcare news, special needs news, events, government sources, financial and retirement news and legal news. Some cited resources are for professionals, but most are news or other helpful articles we […]


Medicaid’s estate recovery claim is essentially a creditor’s claim allowing the State to recover medical assistance paid on behalf of recipients of long-term care Medicaid. Authority for the claim is found at 42 U.S.C. § 1396p(b). The claim is limited to the applicant’s estate, although State laws vary regarding what the estate looks like. As shown […]


We regularly post links to news articles and other resources that related to Elder Law and Special Needs Law. We focus on general news, health and healthcare news, special needs news, events, government sources, financial and retirement news and legal news. Some cited resources are for professionals, but most are news or other helpful articles […]

Georgia State Medicaid Plan - Rules of Evidence - Scholarly Articles

Let’s assume Betty, a widow, will go to a Georgia nursing home in the near future (using 2022 eligibility rules and limits) and has the following resources: A home A retirement account A CD designated for burial in the amount of $14,000 One vehicle Savings of $15,000 Checking of $1,600 In addition to her resources, […]

Gibbs and Ali

We regularly post links to news articles and other resources related to Elder Law and Special Needs Law. We focus on general news, health and healthcare news, special needs news, events, government sources, financial and retirement news and legal news. Some cited resources are for professionals, but most are news or other helpful articles we […]


*** Note: This issue is abbreviated due to the July 4th Holiday *** We regularly post links to news articles and other resources related to Elder Law and Special Needs Law. We focus on general news, health and healthcare news, special needs news, events, government sources, financial and retirement news and legal news. Some cited […]

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