When Determining Value, Equity Value is CMV Minus mortgages and Liens. Petition created a revocable living trust in 2006. In July 2006, her granddaughter charged in excess of $30,000 on Petitioner’s credit cards before the granddaughter was hospitalized. Thereafter, Petitioner fell behind on the mortgage and her home was in danger of foreclosure. Petitioner and […]
No QIT, No Medicaid if Income Exceeds Cap, Part 2. Petitioner entered a nursing home in June 2008 and filed an application for Medicaid. DFCS did not receive or act on the application until July 22, 2008. As a result of inaction, Petitioner did not know that a QIT was needed because income exceeded the […]
Life Insurance Snafu. Petitioner and Respondent stipulated facts in this case. Petitioner applied for nursing home Medicaid in March 2008. DFCS denied the application because Petitioner had three life insurance policies with a cumulative face value of $13,831. Since the face value exceeded $10,000, the cash value of the policies was counted toward Petitioner’s $2,000 […]
No Penalty For Transfer to Disabled Child. DFCS imposed a transfer of resources penalty where Petitioner transferred cash assets to a disabled daughter. DFCS’s reasoning was that cash assets were transferred to the disabled child outright as opposed to transferring them to a trust for her sole benefit. Citing 42 U.S.C. § 1396p(c)(2)(B)(iii) and Section 2342 of the […]
No QIT means No Medicaid If Income Exceeds Cap. Petitioner entered the nursing home in July 2007 and applied for Medicaid in August 2007. No one told Petitioner a qualified income trust was needed. A denial was sent in October and Petitioner reapplied in November 2007, establishing the QIT by December 17, 2007. Eligibility was denied for […]
Determining Which Property is the Exempt Homeplace; Whether Jointly Owned Second Property was Exempt. Petitioner lived at her residence in DeKalb County from 1960 until 2002 when she moved to her daughter’s home on Klondike Road in DeKalb County. From there, Petitioner went to an assisted living facility and then, in December 2006, a nursing […]
Penalty Reversed Where Home was Given to Caregiver Child. In 2002, Petitioner’s daughter moved into Petitioner’s home to provide care. In 2003, Petitioner was bedridden after back surgery; the daughter continued providing care on a full-time basis and also paid some of Petitioner’s expenses. On December 25, 2004, Petitioner gave her home to her daughter, […]
No Penalty Where Transfer Reimbursed Third Party for Paying Applicant’s Expenses. Petitioner was admitted to a nursing home on May 7, 2008 and remained there until her death on July 24, 2008. Petitioner filed an application for Medicaid on July 3, 2008, seeking retroactive coverage. The application was denied after DFCS discovered a $22,668.56 transfer […]
The Limit is the Limit, Part 2. Petitioner entered the nursing home on April 17, 2007 and applied for Medicaid on February 22, 2008. Petitioner sough retroactive coverage for November 2007 through January 2008. Unfortunately, Petition was over resourced. After designating stock as a burial resource, she still had $5,569.73 on November 1st, $4,077.13 on […]
Calculation of Cost-Share. As of November 1, 2008, Petitioner’s gross monthly income was $2,385.54. DGCS calculated the cost-share as $2,189 after allowing deductions of $9.25 for federal taxes, $136.72 for health insurance premiums and $50 for Petitioner’s personal needs allowance. The decision does not indicate what additional deduction Petitioner sought, but the DFCS calculation was […]