

General News Sources: Oldest person in the US reportedly dies at 115 Supreme Court declines to hear case of Delphi retirees over lost pensions Big pensions are nearly 100% funded, the healthiest they’ve been since 2008 financial crisis Pre-tax vs. Roth 401(k): There’s more to consider than you think Widow’s dilemma: When to claim Social […]

The standards for the 2022 Community Spouse Resource Allowance and Community Spouse Monthly Income Allowance have been updated in the document below:

estate planning

Gifting is usually a last resort when creating a Medicaid Plan. The reason is gifts trigger a transfer of resources penalty. The Medicaid Transfer Penalty Worksheet can be used to calculate the penalty, but an additional worksheet is helpful when calculating the amount of income a Medicaid applicant must generate to private pay through the […]

Sometime people assume monthly income counts toward the $2,000 resource limit. Assets (anything of value) are either income or resources. ” An asset cannot be considered income and a resource during the same month.” Georgia ABD Manual 2300-1 and 2300-2.  See also POMS SI 01110.600 B.3.This confuses many people because they are trying to keep bank […]

Every year the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit rate and Medicaid resource allowances are updated. For 2022, the federal benefit rate increased by 5.9%. There was no change in the SSI benefit rate. The SSI monthly benefit increased to $841. This means the Medicaid income cap increases to $2,523 of gross monthly income. The one-third […]

H.R. 1717, known as the Protecting Married Seniors from Impoverishment Act of 2021, and a companion bill in the Senate (S.1099) would require States to extend Community Spouse Resource and Income allowances to couples needing in-home care. A temporary modification extending these protections was already in place through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries

What are people talking about when they say you have to “spend down” to become eligible for Medicaid? Well, it can describe two different things. Most of the time elder law attorneys are referring to to resource spend-down where the applicant is trying to get below the resource eligibiity threshold. But it can also refer […]

The spreadsheet included below can be used to help total your countable and exempt resources when evaluating your eligibility for public benefits like Medicaid.

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries

Deeming Terminates After Eligibility Is Established. Four years later, the Duprees were back in Court. At the annual review on February 29, 2012, DFCS denied eligibility due to a failure to submit documentation. The documents were then submitted and eligibility was denied with DFCS alleging petitioner was over resourced. Petitioner had not acquired any new […]

elder law resources - ABLE Accounts - Additional Guidance - Trust Beneficiaries

Which Home is the Homeplace? Pernie Dupree entered a nursing home on September 11, 2009. Prior to her admission, she had lived with her husband at 1 Bragg Circle since 1949. The Bragg Circle property was valued at $45,411. After hs wife entered the nursing home, due to his declining health Mr. Dupree moved into his […]

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