We regularly post links to news articles and other resources related to Elder Law and Special Needs Law. We focus on general news, health and healthcare news, special needs news, events, government sources, financial and retirement news and legal news. Some cited resources are for professionals, but most are news or other helpful articles we […]
In Greenwald v. Becerra (D. D.C. June 7, 2022), a Medicare beneficiary who had lymphedema (a chronic medical condition that results in the accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous tissues of his legs) and other medical conditions sought coverage for a pneumatic compression device (PCD). PCDs are durable medical equipment designed to treat patients suffering […]
In Gallardo v. Marstiller (U.S. June 6, 2022 (Google Scholar link)), the U.S. Supreme Court held that a State may seek reimbursement of future medical expenses from injury settlement funds. Prior to Gallardo, the primary cases governing the extent of a State’s right to seek reimbursement for medical assistance (Medicaid) were Arkansas Dep’t of Health […]
Several overriding rules control the creation and application of Medicaid eligibility criteria by the states. These rules are applicable to all mandatory and optional coverage groups, as well as all medically needy individuals. First, a state may not impose any eligibility requirements prohibited by Title XIX. Next, the state must base coverage or optional coverage […]