The following are the Covid 19 Medicaid Waivers we’re aware of. If you have information on others, please let us know at Policy Round Up: COVID-19 updates, opioid use disorders and the ADA, hospital and nursing home ownership, input opportunities CMS: Coronavirus waivers & flexibilities CMS: Internal Medicaid and Chip Covid 19 Summary CMS […]
In a recent case (Dep’t of Tenncare 4/20/2022), Appellant’s application for nursing home Medicaid was denied due to ownership of a life insurance policy with a cash value of $2,184.66. She had been under a limited conservatorship since June 2, 2021. The Medicaid application was filed on July 21, 2021. Neither Appellant nor the limited […]
In 2020, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals decided Gresham v. Azar, 950 F.3d 93 (2020). There, the Court of Appeals affirmed a District Court decision halting Arkansas Works, a program that imposed work requirements on impoverished adults seeking Medicaid under the ACA expansion. Arkansas Works included new requirements in addition to the much-discussed work […]
In Weeks v. DHS, Division of Family and Children Services, Office of State Administrative Hearings, Docket 2117014 (April 28, 2021), Brian Center Health and Rehabilitation – Canton, purportedly filed a direct appeal on behalf of Marilu Weeks after her Medicaid application was denied. Judge Teate, in Docket No. 2115533, directed Brian Center to provide evidence […]