Being sick or impaired is not enough to qualify for Social Security Disability. Under the Social Security Act, whether you are seeking disability or Supplemental Security Income, “disability” means you are not able to engage in any substantial gainful activity (SGA) because of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment(s) that is either: Expected to […]
Many people believe Medicare will pay for their long-term care costs. That’s not true. Medicare will pay for UP TO 100 days if you had a qualifying hospital stay, if you are discharged to a nursing home for skilled therapy, and then only while you’re receiving skilled therapy. See Center for Medicare Advocacy, Medicare Skilled […]
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) discusses different parts of Medicare.
The Administration for Community Living announced that it will host a Medicare Virtual Fair on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 Open 3:00-7:00 PM ET. Agenda and Registration (available in English and Spanish) This virtual fair is for people turning 65, retiring, or joining Medicare because of a disability. Learn about Medicare and all its parts to help […]
The Massachusetts Supreme Court recently limited Medicaid estate recovery claims to three years as discussed in the following video:
The following resources appeared in a post by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau sent at 04/26/2021 12:00 PM ED. We are re-posting them for your convenience. Misadventures in Money Managament (MiMM): MiMM is a virtual learning experience that fills a critical gap in financial education topics for all servicemembers. The training uses the style of […]
The Kaiser Family Foundation published a fact sheet indicating that Medicaid spending is concentrated on the elderly and individuals with special needs. “Seniors and people with disabilities make up 1 in 4 beneficiaries but account for almost two-thirds of Medicaid spending, reflecting high per enrollee costs for both acute and long-term care.” “Medicaid is low-cost […]
In April, 2021, Justice in Aging, the Western Center on Law & Poverty, the National Academy of Elder law Attorneys (NAELA), the National Health Law Program, and the California Association for Nursing Home Reform submitted an issue brief to Congress calling for an end to Medicaid Estate Recovery. A NAELA Press Release dated April 16, […]