Administrative Law

Updates to Nursing Home Quality of Care Regulations

From time to time federal regulations covering nursing home quality of care are updated. Thus far, the following updates have…

3 weeks ago

Federal Nursing Home Quality of Care Regulations

Nursing homes that accept Medicare or Medicaid are required to comply with quality of care regulations. Although we have blogged…

3 weeks ago

Superior Court Review of Georgia ALJ Decision

In ____ v. Brock, Judge Schwall, Fulton County Superior Court), affirmed an administrative law judge's Final Decision as supported by…

2 months ago

State May Recoup Medicaid Benefits Incorrectly Paid

In PR v. Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (NJ. App. Div. 6/8/2023), the State was authorized to recover…

1 year ago

Administrative decisions and collateral estoppel

The collateral estoppel (issue preclusion) rule is part of the finality doctrine along with Res Judicata (claim preclusion). It general…

1 year ago

Nursing Home Quality of Care Regulations Amended to Remove Expired COVID-19 Provisions

On June 5, 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) amended 42 C.F.R. § 483.80 (infection control) and…

1 year ago

Standing in Medicaid and Other Cases

"In general, in order to maintain an action, a party “must establish standing to sue on the ground asserted, which…

1 year ago

No Right to Fair Hearing Unless You Complain About Something

In L.U. v. Division of Medical Assistance (N.J. Superior Court Docket A-2937-20, May 23, 2023), the Superior Court affirmed denial…

1 year ago

Selected Georgia Medicaid Decisions

The following Georgia Medicaid cases were litigated outside the context of an administrative hearing, or were appealed beyond that point.…

1 year ago

Pre-Hearing Conferences in Medicaid Cases

An ALJ may order a prehearing conference to simplify the issues being presented. Conferences may be held in person or…

2 years ago