
Promise of life estate, based on oral promise, could be enforced

In Farmer v. Farmer (decided March 15, 2024), the Georgia Court of Appeals reversed the trial court's grant of summary…

2 months ago

Notice of Residential Real Estate Broker Commissions Antitrust Settlements

Recently a notice was published concerning a class action where the Plaintiffs alleged that real estate brokers engaged in anticompetitive…

5 months ago

What makes a signature valid in Georgia?

The dictionary definition of "signature" is "a person's name written in a distinctive way as a form of identification in…

2 years ago

Appeal Challenging Georgia’s Equitable Caregiver Statute was moot

In McAlister v. Clifton (Ga. 4/19/2022), the Georgia Supreme Court heard a case challenging the equitable caregiver statute, O.C.G.A. §…

2 years ago

Probate Court had jurisdiction to construe consent order in the context of Petition to Settle Accounts

On February 24, 2022, the Georgia Court of Appeals decided In re Estate of Plybon (Appeal No. A21A1740, 2/24/2022). There,…

2 years ago

Medicaid: Personal Services Contract Rejected

Personal Services Contract rejected. Petitioner was admitted to a nursing home in October 2008, where she continued to stay. At…

3 years ago

Construction of Contracts, Meaning and Enforcement

“The construction of a contract is a question of law for the court.” O.C.G.A. § 13-2-1. The cardinal rule of…

3 years ago

Filial responsibility – Can I be responsible for my parent’s medical debt?

A filial responsibility law is one making relatives financially responsible for the care of another. Virtually every state requires parents…

3 years ago