
Plaintiffs sued for negligence and nursing home moved to compel arbitration. Plaintiffs argued that the agreement could not be enforced because it was a pre-injury agreement subject to AHLA rules and is invalid in light of the AHLA’s revised ruled. The court found otherwise. “[T]he AHLA rules provide that “[i]n limiting the circumstances under which […]

Resident fell while using a walker at the nursing home and was “impaled on the basket hook.” After the fall, he needed surgery, suffered a heart attack and died. The Estate brought an action contending the walker was defective. Plaintiff failed to disclose an expert witness before the discovery and Defendant moved to bar Plaintiff […]

In a “short” order, the District Court adopted the Report and Recommendation of the Magistrate finding that a medical malpractice settlement was not subject to any Medicare repayment or lien. It does not appear as though CMS was a party to the action. Thomas G. Golden of Bainbridge Island, Washington, represented the Plaintiff. Mr. Golden […]

Plaintiff’s decedent was a nursing home resident who developed severe decubitus ulcers and suffered from dehydration and malnutrition. Plaintiff alleged medical malpractice, negligence per se and third party beneficiary breach of contract. Defendants moved to dismiss and for judgment on the pleadings. Citing Brogdon v. National Healthcare Corp., 103 F.Supp. 2d 1322 (N.D. Ga. 2000), […]

Stalley brought a qui tam action against a group of skilled nursing facilities for failing to reimburse Medicare under the Medicare Secondary Payer Act (MSP). The action was removed and then the Defendants filed a motion to dismiss for lack of Article III standing. Because he was neither eligible for Medicare nor injured, the Court […]

Insurer denied coverage under a claims made policy. On motion for summary judgment, the Court ruled for the insurer, finding that the two policies in issue were clearly written. The first policy did not apply because, although the incident occurred during the policy period, it was not reported during the policy period. The second policy […]

Plaintiff, an Alzheimer’s patient, exited the nursing home on March 22, 2004 through an unlocked door. He was chased by staff as he went into a courtyard. In the courtyard, he tripped over a light post and suffered injury. He was found unresponsive and bleeding from the head. At the hospital he was diagnosed with […]

Plaintiff filed suit against a nursing home in State court alleging that Defendant failed to take necessary precautions to protect nursing home residents from Hurricane Katrina. The action was filed as a class action and Defendant removed it to federal court under the Class Action Fairness Act. The Act conveys federal jurisdiction where there is […]

Insurer issued two insurance policies to Defendant’s nursing home. When suit was filed in Arkansas, the insurer employed counsel to defend the action and paid all costs associated with the defense. Insurer asked Defendant to contribute to a settlement and when Defendant refused, the insurer funded the settlement. Insurer then brought an action for reimbursement. […]

Defendants filed motions to strike two counts in Plaintiff’s complaint, alleging recklessness in the care and treatment of the decedent, as well as, a violation of Conn. General Statutes § 19a-550(b)(10). The motions were denied. As part of Plaintiff’s negligence claim, Plaintiff alleged that “defendants failed to properly care for, assess and/or treat the decedent’s […]

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