Nursing Homes

Nursing Home Cases: Insurance

Am. Econ. Ins. Co. v. Jackson, 2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 3232 (8th Cir. 2007). This case involves an insurance coverage…

3 years ago

Nursing Home Cases: Discovery Disputes

Redwood v. Dobson, 476 F.3d 462 (7th Cir. 2007). The court identifies this litigation as a “grudge match.” When counsel…

3 years ago

Nursing Home Cases: Damages

Wilcox v. Gamble Guest Care Corp., 928 So. 2d 695 (La. Ct. App. 2006). Plaintiff appealed after trial court sustained…

3 years ago

Nursing Home Cases: Corporate Liability (Piercing Veil, Direct Liability)

Forsythe v. Clark USA, Inc., 2007 Ill. LEXIS 434 (Ill. 2007). Two mechanics were killed at a refinery. Later, their…

3 years ago

Nursing Home Cases: Compliance with Medicare & Medicaid Regulations

Lakeridge Villa Health Care Ctr. v. Leavitt, 2006 U.S. App. LEXIS 27338 (6th Cir. 2006). Lakeridge is an Ohio nursing…

3 years ago

Nursing Home Cases: Arbitration

Marmet Health Care Center v. Brown, 132 S. Ct. 1201 (2012). Marmet began as three seperate cases in West Virginia.…

3 years ago

Nursing Home Litigation: Cases

Another Court Rules that NHRA is a toothless tiger (E.D. Mo.) Elgin James filed suit alleging that he developed bedsores…

3 years ago

Filial responsibility – Can I be responsible for my parent’s medical debt?

A filial responsibility law is one making relatives financially responsible for the care of another. Virtually every state requires parents…

3 years ago

Nursing Assessment: Head-to-Toe (Video)

The head-to-toe assessment in nursing is an important physical health assessment that nurses perform. In a nursing home, 42 CFR…

3 years ago

Long-term Care Facility Resident Abuse Reporting Act (Georgia)

O.C.G.A. § 31-8-80. Short title This article shall be known as the "Long-term Care Facility Resident Abuse Reporting Act." O.C.G.A.…

3 years ago