Suit was filed after a CNA failed to check the water temperature before bathing resident; resident was burned and died…
Plaintiff's suit against the nursing home was dismissed for failing to comply with the pre-suit notice requirement in W. Va.…
A personal injury victim tried to make an end-run around MSP by having payment go directly to the victim. The…
After Plaintiff brought suit against a nursing home, the trial judge indicated that he was personally acquainted with three of…
The Estate appealed after the trial court granted Manor Care's motion to compel arbitration. Resident's wife had signed admissions agreement…
Conservator initialed pages indicating she read arbitration agreement, but did not sign the agreement. Facility made two attempts to have…
Resident was in two different nursing homes and after her death, Plaintiff sued both of them. Each was dismissed and…
Plaintiff sued the nursing home, its owner (an LLC) and the individual manger of the LLC. The manager was not…
Order compelling arbitration was affirmed. Four days after admitting her mother to a nursing home, Ms. Coker, the resident's daughter,…
The nursing home filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition in January 2000. Plaintiff resided in the nursing home from November…