Defendants appealed an order compelling response to 195 requests to produce and requiring them to prepare a privilege log. On…
Health Facilities Mgmt. Corp. v. Hughes A management company and a nursing facility appeals from a judgment entered against them…
Alcoy v. Valley Nursing Homes, Inc. Resident, 79 years old, was admitted to nursing home following a stroke. She was…
Raymond Davis, Sr., individually, and Raymond Davis, Jr., as an administrator of the Estate of Elsie T. Davis, sued First…
Curtis Peacock, the administrator of the estate of his mother, Nina Peacock, filed suit against HCP III Eastman d/b/a Heart…
Defendant appealed following entry of judgment on verdict and denial of its motion for JNOV. Resident died after he went…
The resident had a history of falling, was left unattended in a dining hall, and fell, hitting her head. Following…
A survival action was brought against the nursing home and its corporate parent. A jury found that the nursing home,…
Resident suffered from pressure ulcers at two different nursing homes. After filing suit, Plaintiff settled with one nursing home, but…
On admission to the nursing home, the resident's granddaughter executed an admission contract that included an arbitration agreement. Later, after…