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Dalton, Georgia: Nursing Homes

Nursing Homes In Dalton Georgia.Presently, there are four nursing homes in Dalton, Georgia. They are Quinton Memoria, Regency Park, Ridgewood Manor, and Wood Dale. All four facilities are owned and operated by Hamilton Medical Center at this time.

Regency Park Health and Rehabilitation specializes in short-term rehabilitation and long-term care. Most residents at Regency Park have the goal of returning to their homes once rehabilitation is complete. For more information please call: 706-270-8008.

Quinton Memorial Health and Rehabilitation specializes in caring for patients who are experiencing medically complex situations. Patients may require extensive post-surgical care, rehabilitation, or other long-term care. For more information please call: 706-226-4642.

Ridgewood Manor Health and Rehabilitation and Wood Dale Health and Rehabilitation specialize in caring for those with dementia-related conditions in addition to long-term care. Residents who have a greater-than-normal need for assistance in making decisions for themselves, or keeping themselves safe, are best served at these facilities. For more information please call: 706-226-1021 (Ridgewood) or 706-226-1285 (Wood Dale).


Regency Park:

Ridgewood Manor:

Wood Dale:

You can use Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare Tool to see how each nursing home is performing: After you locate the nursing home using the search tool, you should be able to review the latest surveyor findings for each nursing home.

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