Materials from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services:
State Medicaid Manual, Chapter 3 (HCFA 64) (State Medicaid Manual at CMS)
- General and Categorical Eligibility Requirements, TOC
- Section 3200-3207
- Section 3210-3256
- Section 3257
- Section 3257-3259
- Section 3260-3280
- Section 3300 TOC
- Section 3300-3314
- Section 3400 TOC
- Section 3405-3405
- Section 3410-3493
- Section 3500 TOC
- Section 3500-3599
- IM 3570
- Section 3600 TOC
- Section 3600 – 3645
- Section 3700 TOC
- Section 3700-3714
- Section 3800 TOC
- Section 3800-3812
- Section 3810
- Section 3900 TOC
- Section 3900-3910
- IM 390
- Zip File of SMM Downloaded January 2006
- Zip File of SMM Downloaded December 2007
- ZIP File of SMM Downloaded October 2013
Letters to State Directors
- POST DRA Guidance 7/24/2006 SMDL # 06-018
- MA Special Needs Plans Guidance
- Qualified Long-Term Care Partnerships Under the DRA
- SMDL 06-012 Regarding Implementation of DRA
- SMDL 06-018 summarizing DRA changes
- SMDL 06-19 regarding LTC Partnerships
- New Medicaid Transfer of Asset Rules under DRA, Annuity Rules, Spousal Impoverishment, Substantial Home Equity, CCRCs
Letters to State Survey Agency Directors
- Clarification on Nursing Home Requiring Promissory Notes or Deposit Fees as a Condition of Admission, and Implications Related to Surety Bonds, S&C-04-14 January 8, 2004
- Binding Arbitration in Nursing Homes, SC-03-10
- Impact of HIPAA on Posting Survey Results
- Adoption of New Fire Safety Requirements
Other CMS Letters
- From Shapiro to All Part D. Plan Sponsors regarding 2022 Resource and Cost Sharing Limits for LIS (10/25/2021)
- Understanding Medicaid Home and Community Based Services: A Primer (2000)
CMS Transmittals
- T3 Certification of Facilities Providing Acute Psychiatric Services to Individuals Under Age 21
- T5 Review of ways available for Medicaid to deal with drug addition and related problems
- T8 Monetary Cap on and Periodic Services Provided Under the Early Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Program
- T12 Response to request for futher clarification of requirements of case management with respect to EPSDT
- T13 Response to request for clarification cerning provision of durable medical equipment through State’s Crippled Children Services
- T14 Response to Montana’s question regarding whether State is allowed to impose limitations on services to EPSDT children
- T15 Response to request that HCFA adopt standardized definition of medically necessary sevices
- T18 Response to question raised concerning the phrase “conditions discovered by the screening services”
- T19 Reiterating current Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) policy with respect to State requirements for furnishing services under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T20 Notice of policy clearance from our Central Office on the meaning of the word “discovered” in the context of the EPSDT screening services
- T21 Response to concerns about implementing the EPSDT services mandated under OBRA 89
- T22 Reiterating current Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) policy with respect to State requirements for furnishing services under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T24 Response to letter concerning the Medicaid inpatient psychiatric benefit for individuals under 21
- T27 Follow-up letter concerning policy relating to Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T28 Memorandum providing guidance to States concerning Medicaid coverage of services provided in schools
- T33 Clarification of several issues concerning EPSDT services
- T34 Letter to State Medicaid Directors regarding OBRA 89 changes to Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T42 Response to Pennsylvania concerning coverage under Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T44 Clarification of EPSDT Requirements Concerning “Pre-Existing” Conditions and State Plan Limitations
- T45 Clarification of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program relating to determination of medical necessity
- T47 Medically needy Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT)
- T51 Providing EPSDT services in least costly environment
- T53 Response to letter regarding whether removal of EPSDT children from Idaho’s Personal Care Services HCBS waiver remains appropriate
- T56 Response to request for clarification of case management services for Kansas Medicaid enrolled children under EPSDT program
- T58 Scope of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T63 Maintenance services under Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T82 Response to letter requesting clarification of case management under Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T85 Targeted case management services and the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T96 Memorandum providing guidance to States concerning Medicaid coverage of services provided in schools
- T99 Memorandum providing guidance to States concerning Medicaid coverage of services provided in schools
- T109 Clarifying two issues related to delivery of EPSDT services
- T129 Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program continuing care providers
- T131 Response to letter regarding skilled nusring services for ventilator dependent children
- T133 Release of information to schools providing EPSDT services
- T134A Medicaid Provider Qualifications for Speech Pathologists and Audiologists in School-Based Programs
- T137 Response to request for clarification regarding nutritionists service in context of EPSDT services
- T139 Response to request regarding whether nutritionists service met defintion of preventative services
- T142 Response to letter requesting comments on methods of verifying children’s Medicaid eligibility in effort to expand Medicaid coverage for habilitation services provided in schools
- T162 Whether maintenance services are required under EPSDT
- T172 Response to proposal advertized to States regarding maximizing federal share of matching funds by implenting EPSDT in schools
- T174 Clarification of the Health Care Financing Administration’s provisional requirements regarding communicative devices and tactile aids
- T177 Clarification of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program – OBRA 89 provisions
- T180 Medicaid coverage of investigation to determine source of lead
- T191 Reply to letter regarding payment for Medicaid services included in an individualized education program (IEP) or individualized family service plan (IFSP)
- T197 Reply to letter concerning provision of Medicaid services to children in nursing facilities
- T198 Response to request for advice regarding the of federal financial participation (FFP) for assistive devices provided under the EPSDT benefit
- T199 Guidance regarding coverage for assistive devices for children with handicaps
- T206 Regarding States flexibility in administering Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T208 Response to questions received recently from several States concerning coverage of infant/toddler restraint seats under Medicaid, ‘particularly in light of the ‘89 EPSDT expansion
- T218 Clarification to New York regarding Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T221 Regarding reimbursement for school-based health services
- T222 Idenitifcation of case management services that do not meet statutory defintion
- T225 Concerning mandator functions in administration of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T226 Concerning home health visits under Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program
- T228 Allowable costs and FFP
- Transmittal MCD-86-94, January 13, 1995, regarding three types of exempt trusts
Other CMS Guidance
- Health Care Financing Review (1979-2009)
- Medicaid Commission Report dated September 1, 2005
- Summary of Options, Administrative Claiming, President’s Budget FY 2006
- Streimer Letter regarding Treatment of Trusts
- Grasser letter to Raichelson regarding trust income
- Hamilton letter to Swartz regarding treatment of SNT income
- FBR & Spousal Impoverishment Limits 1998-2009
- FBR & Spousal Impoverishment Limits 2013
- FBR & Spousal Impoverishment Limits 2016
- FBR & Spousal Impoverishment Limits 2017
- FBR & Spousal Impoverishment Limits 2018
- FBR & Spousal Impoverishment Limits 2019
- FBR & Spousal Impoverishment Limits 2020
- FBR & Spousal Impoverishment Limits 2021
- FBR & Spousal Impoverishment Limits 2022
- Georgia Letter regarding pooled trusts, April 2008
- State Agency Bulletin 2008-05 regarding transfers to pooled trust by persons over 65
- Amendment to Executive Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review, January 2007
- Letter from Preston to Barreira regarding transfers to Community Spouses
- Hamilton letter to Richardson regarding transfers for the sole benefit of a spouse, child or disabled individual
- Kummer letter to Yerian regarding possible noncompliance of certain Medicaid nursing facilities with Federal admission requirements
- Arden Letter to Landsman regarding clarification of spenddown and post-eligibility rules
- Arden Letter to Millonig regarding Ohio’s Annuity Rule
- CMS, State Guide to Integrated Medicare & Medicaid Models (March 2006)
- Minamoto Letter to Angres regarding Annuities
- Appendix Q: Determining Immediate Jeopardy
- Hamilton Letter to Kruse regarding trusts
- Medicaid Eligibility Groups and Less Restrictive Methods of Determining Countable Income and Resources
- Special Needs Plan – Fat Sheet & Data Summary (February 2006)
- MAGI: Medicaid and Chip’s New Eligibility Standards
- CMS Oral History Project
- Denial of Maryland State Plan Amendment to Limit Non-Covered Necessary Medicaid Expenses