We regularly post links to news articles and other resources that might be of interest to our viewers. We focus on general news, health and healthcare news, special needs news, events, government sources, financial and retirement news and legal news. Only headlines are listed so you can use this page like a newspaper, reading only those articles that catch your attention. We do not vouch for the quality of any linked source or the accuracy of information on third-party sites. If you have news you want us to post in a future addition of our news roundup, email us at websupport@ezelderlaw.com.
This Sunday is Mothery’s Day. May is Older Americans Month and Elder Law Month; National Adolescent Health Month; It is also Mental Health Awareness Month; National Osteoporosis Month and Military Appreciation Month. This is National Public Service Recognition Week.
The Veteran's Administration (the VA) makes long-term care support available for qualifying veterans in several…
On November 8, Medicare announced the 2025 premiums and Co-Pays. The standard monthly premium for…
Before a guardian or the personal representative of an estate takes office, he or she…
In Georgia, when actions are filed in Probate Court, some people must be notified before…
What is Form 1041 used for? If an estate or trust has gross income of…
IRS Form 56 is used to notify the IRS of the creation or termination of…