Nursing home deaths up 32% in 2020 amid pandemic. The AP reported “Deaths among Medicare patients in nursing homes soared by 32% last year, with two devastating spikes eight months apart, a government watchdog reported Tuesday in the most comprehensive look yet at the ravages of COVID-19 among its most vulnerable victims” Read more
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Patient Safety Network announced: Shift-to-shift nursing handover interventions associated with improved inpatient outcomes – falls, pressure injuries and medication administration errors: an integrative review. Safe patient handover from one nursing shift to the next requires complete and accurate communication between nurses. This review aimed to identify which nursing handover interventions result in improved patient outcomes (i.e., patient falls, pressure injuries, medication administration errors). Interventions differed across the included studies, but results indicate that moving the handover to the bedside and using a structured approach, such as Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) improved patient outcomes.
Patient Safety Network’s Web M&M announced a case study: Norepinephrine Dosing Error Associated with Multiple Health System Vulnerabilities. It featured expert analyses of medical errors, including the case of a 65-year-old man who died after receiving a norepinephrine dose 70 times greater than intended. Read more
The AHRQ announced: Nursing Home Vaccine Administration Records for Staff and Residents. These resources enable nursing home staff to track and trend COVID-19 vaccine administration data for both residents and staff. Having COVID-19 vaccine data in one location allows for efficient collection of information on vaccination rates and supports the coordination of next doses and identification of vaccine hesitancy. The tools can aid in data compilation for reporting to the National Healthcare Safety Network. Read more.
The Administration for Community Living announced a webinar on July 8 at 2pm ET on Social Isolation and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)—Findings from the 50-year SCI Longitudinal Aging Study. Read more.
On the anniversary of Olmstead v. L.C., the Administration for Community Living blogged: Unprecedented Opportunities to Achieve the Promise of Olmstead. Read more. And see New ACL Blog: Research that Reflects the Rich Racial and Ethnic Diversity of People with Disabilities. Read more.
The FDIC posted: Money Management for Youth. Many young people think about how to earn money to buy the things they want, but it is important to learn how to manage that money too! The best place to start is with a bank account. Once you land that new job, open a bank account to keep track of your money and keep it safe. The account will open the door for making better financial decisions and becoming more confident in money management. Read more
Regarding Suicide Prevention, the FCC Seeks Comment on Proposed Text-to-988 Rules. The reply deadline is August 10, 2021. General information about 988 and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available at For further information, please contact Emily Caditz, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, at (202) 418-2268 or Read more
Elder Abuse – On June 21, 2021, the Congressional Budget Office issued a report on H.R. 2922 which would require the Department of Justice to establish a permanent Elder Justice Initiative to coordinate the agency’s efforts to combat elder abuse, fraud, and neglect. The bill would designate an Elder Justice Coordinator to support the initiative’s law enforcement efforts and policy activities. H.R. 2922 also would require the Elder Justice Initiative to establish a national elder fraud telephone hotline, provide yearly recommendations to the Office of Tribal Justice, and publish online public resources aimed at preventing elder abuse in both English and Spanish. Read more. Follow HR 2922’s progress at The bill was listed on the House schedule for June 22, 2021.
The GAO announced a report: Physician Workforce: Caps on Medicare-Funded Graduate Medical Education at Teaching Hospitals. The report was prepared because studies have shown the United States faces a shortage of physicians, making it increasingly difficult for people to access needed health care. Physicians need GME training before they can practice medicine independently and often practice in the same geographic area as their training. See full report. Also announced was a report titled: Prescription Drugs: Medicare Spending on Drugs with Direct-to-Consumer Advertising. Read more.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a public listening opportunity for stakeholders concerned with the development of the cost performance category of the merit-based incentive payment system. Four upcoming webinars are:
The Social Security Administration spotlighted its Retirement Benefits portal. Social Security is part of the retirement plan for almost every American worker. It provides replacement income for qualified retirees and their families. This section of our website helps you better understand the program, the application process, and the online tools and resources available to you. Read more.
Last updated 2/28/2025 The Georgia Power of Attorney Act was enacted in 2017 (HB 221)…
In North Carolina Department of Revenue v. The Kimberley Rice Kaestner 1992 Family Trust, the…
Medicaid is critical for individuals with special needs. It pays for things no one else…
Since 1980, Medicare pays after another responsible entity pays certain health care claims for Medicare…
Many people want to know when they should apply for Social Security (assuming it still…
The Social Security Fairness Act was signed into law on January 5, 2025. Prior to…