42 CFR Part 483

Resident’s Right to Choose Activities and Interact with Others Inside and Outside the Nursing Home

Nursing home residents have the right to who they will spend time with and how they will spend it. Specifically,…

2 years ago

Resident’s Right to Personal Possessions

42 C.F.R. § 483.10(e)(2) provides that the resident has a right to be treated with respect and dignity, including: (2)…

2 years ago

Visitation in the Nursing Home

Nursing home residents have the right to visitation. Specifically,  42 C.F.R. § 483.10(f) provides that residents have the right to…

2 years ago

Nursing Home Resident’s Autonomy

Nursing home residents have the right to make their own choices. This includes basic life choices, the right to information…

2 years ago

Resident’s Right to Self-Determination

Nursing home residents have the right to make their own choices. This includes basic life choices, the right to information…

2 years ago