Medicaid Estate Recovery

Laws, Regulations, Cases and Rules related to Medicaid Estate Recovery

How much protection does a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust really provide?

In Hammerberg v. Department of Human Servs. (Minn. Ct. App. 4/22/2024), the State made an estate recovery claim against what…

6 months ago

Transfer-on-Death Deeds in Georgia

During the 2024 legislative session, HB 1247 morphed into SB 420, which passed both houses and was signed by the…

10 months ago

Tenncare Notices

The following notices are routinely included with other correspondence from Tenncare. Below are Tenncare's notices regarding: (1) Estate Recovery, (2)…

3 years ago

Medicaid Estate Recovery in Massachusetts: Kendall Case

The Massachusetts Supreme Court recently limited Medicaid estate recovery claims to three years as discussed in the following video:

4 years ago

Advocacy Groups Call for End to Medicaid Estate Recovery

In April, 2021, Justice in Aging, the Western Center on Law & Poverty, the National Academy of Elder law Attorneys…

4 years ago

Hines v. Dep’t of Pub. Aid, 221 Ill. 2d 222 (Ill. 2006)

Beverly Tutinas's husband, Julian, was on Medicaid, but she was not. When Beverly died owning a home valued at $69,641.89…

4 years ago

Cruver v. Mitchell, 289 Ga. App. 145 (2008)

In Cruver v. Mitchell, Medicaid had paid many of Mitchell's expenses until shortly before the hearing. Appellants, however, had decided…

4 years ago

In re Estate of Anderson, 2007 Tenn. App. LEXIS 705 (2007)

Margie Mary Anderson started receiving Medicaid benefits on January 1, 1994. She died on February 21, 2004. Prior to Ms.…

4 years ago

In re Estate of Henkel, 2007 Tenn. App. LEXIS 704 (2007)

Mary Virginia Jones Henkel started receiving Medicaid benefits on July 1, 1991. She died on February 19, 2003. In March…

4 years ago

Oregon v. Willingham, 136 P.3d 66 (Ore. App. 2006)

When contrasted with Hines and Smith, a different result was reached where the legislature had re-written the property code. In…

4 years ago